Biden Is Hiding out at the Beach, but New Video Raises More Questions About His Health

The Biden family foreign business dealings scandal has been heating up this week with the interview of Devon Archer behind closed doors before the House Oversight Committee. You know how bad it was when Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) was first out the door trying to spin away what Archer said. Among the things that Archer confirmed was that Joe Biden was on the speakerphone at multiple meetings and that he was the “big guy.” Incredibly, Goldman tried to deflect away from that, insisting the calls were after Beau Biden had died. Somehow, I’m thinking people aren’t going to buy that as an excuse. The Democrats can’t deflect away from all the evidence of Joe Biden’s involvement, including phone calls, emails, and pictures.


Biden is also getting blasted for the transparent actions of his administration against former President Donald Trump, with Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy calling them out for acting like a “banana republic” and legal experts ripping apart the flawed nature of the indictment against Trump, and the “demagogic” actions of the Special Counsel Jack Smith.

Biden now has to face some of the consequences for his profligate spending as well, and unfortunately, we have to face it too, with the downgrading of our credit rating by Fitch. That caused his team to throw a fit and try to blame Trump, not their bad policies.

Where is Joe Biden while all this is going on? He’s hiding out on yet another vacation. He’s taking ten days at the beach until August 6.

He had two vacations at Camp David and one trip to Rehoboth Beach last month. He still hasn’t answered any of the questions about his son’s plea deal blowing up or his falsehood about never speaking to his son about his business dealings allegedly being exposed — yet again — by Devon Archer.

Yes, Biden is hiding out and blowing off questions that the public has a right to know the answers to. Even NBC notes he’s sticking to that “no comment” policy.


Yeah, I’ll bet, because any comment is only likely to make him look worse, given how his prior comments on the matter were shown to be false.

But hey, at least he answered questions about watching the movie Oppenheimer, right?

However, beyond that, it should be very concerning that he has days of doing nothing, needs such continuous periods of vacation, and that his deterioration is more and more evident.

The press tried to ask Biden questions again when he was taking a walk along the beach with his wife, Jill. He didn’t answer them. I’m not even sure, if you look at the video, whether he was even aware of the questions being asked. I think the RNC Research folks were perhaps being a bit sarcastic when they termed this a “leisurely walk,” because when I look at it, it looks like a daughter trying to lead her elderly father home, or someone walking a dog. It was not a good look.


He looks like he’s struggling to walk, and compared to Jill’s easy stride, it’s striking how halting it is. Yes, he has gait issues, but he just looks awful and so old. Sixty-eight percent of the American people already have questions about his mental and physical ability to serve. That’s a pretty big majority when he’s allegedly going to be the Democratic nominee.

This is only going to increase those questions.


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