Bombshell: GOP Letter Drops Explosive Info About Suspect in Pipe Bombs at RNC, DNC

Pipe bomb suspect, Jan. 5, 2021. (Credit: Fox 5 Washington D.C./YouTube)

Have you wondered what happened to the case of the suspect who allegedly planted pipe bombs at the DNC and the RNC on Jan. 5, 2021?

Everyone else even remotely connected to the day seems to have been hunted down and treated with all kinds of severity (unlike what you would have seen for any during the 2020 BLM/Antifa riots). But for some reason, this is the case that seems to have had no real action that seems to have gone no further in uncovering who this suspect was, despite even capturing the person on video.


I wrote about the matter in March, when FBI Director Wray insisted to Bret Baier that they were working very hard on the case, but refused to talk about informants or agents who they might have had involved on Jan. 6.

The House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH), Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) (the head of the Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance, and Rep. Bill Posey (R-FL) wrote a letter to the FBI Director Christopher Wray and outlined that they’ve been trying to get a briefing from the FBI on the matter since Sept. 2, 2021, when Posey first requested a briefing. They also requested one formally on March 9, 2022, and asked for one at the beginning of this new Congress on January 17. Yet the FBI has failed to comply now for more than a year and a half.

They note that they’ve also gotten a whistleblower disclosure that raises questions about the “unusual” nature of the FBI’s investigation into the matter that they want to ask about.

Specifically, the whistleblower disclosure revealed that the Washington Field Office asked FBI field offices to canvass all confidential human sources nationwide for information about the individual and the crime over a year after the placement of the bombs, and requested that the canvass “include sources reporting on all [types of] threats” because the suspect’s “motive and ideology remain unknown.”


“All confidential human sources” sound like a make-work job or is that just an effort to make it look like they’re doing something?

The fact that they keep blowing off the briefing again raises a lot of questions about what’s going on here and what they don’t want us to know.

But then the letter dropped a big bombshell where it talks about recent “media reports” related to what a former agent who worked on the case supposedly said.

[T]he FBI linked the suspected pipe bomber to a MetroRail SmarTrip Card that the subject used to travel through the Washington Metro system to a stop in Northern Virginia. The FBI used security camera footage from the Northern Virginia Metro stop to identify the license plate of a car that the individual entered.’ Still, the FBI has not identified the subject.

If that’s true, if you have all that, how do you not know who this person is? Or do you and you just don’t want to say? Does he/she glow? When I watch the video I think it looks like a woman.

The crazy Blue Anon folks on the left think it’s Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) because they’re loons. I’m thinking that if it were someone they could in any way link to being a Republican, that person would already be snapped up. So that has to make one wonder what’s going on here if this story about the license plate is true. Given how they tracked all the other people down, what’s the problem here?


According to the letter, “One former FBI assistant director observed, “[it just doesn’t add up. [t]here’s just too much to work with to not know who this guy is.”

The GOP is now demanding a briefing no later than June 7 on the matter.


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