Ginni Thomas Takes Jan. 6 Committee to School in Newly Released Testimony Transcript

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

I previously wrote about how many on the left were angry about political consultant Ginni Thomas, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s wife, being left out of the Jan. 6 Committee’s final report. But as I said, it would have been hard even for those biased characters to construct something against her in that final report since she didn’t do anything illegal — she simply advocated for investigating any allegations of fraud about the 2020 election.


The Committee did smear her to their base by suggesting there was something untoward in her texts to Mark Meadows. So these seriously deluded people on the left have been ranting for months about “when is Ginni Thomas going to be arrested?” They were furious that she was left out of the final report when they had pinned their hopes on getting her and then somehow using her to impeach Justice Thomas. I know, it doesn’t make any sense, but that’s where they are.

While they had nothing against her, the Committee still tried to make her look bad by having her come in to testify. They finally have released that transcript. As her attorney Mark Paoletta explained in a statement, they had “no legitimate reason to interview her” because there was nothing to discover. He also called out the Committee for leaking her texts, a “despicable act.”

If anything, the transcript shows Thomas taking the Committee to school. When they tried to question her, she let them have it. She told Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) she still believed there were questions about the 2020 election, “as millions of Americans do.” She also reminded Cheney and the Committee of all the times in the recent past that the Democrats had questioned the results of elections.


“Democrats have done that in many instances — 2000, 2004, 2016,” Thomas said. “It seemed like there were a lot of people who claimed President Trump was illegitimate for 4 years and tried to undermine his administration.”

Members of the Committee themselves were involved in objecting to the acceptance of electors in the past, including Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) who objected to electors regarding the election of Trump, and Committee Chair Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MI) who objected to accepting electors from George W. Bush’s election.

Thomas also tore into the Committee at the end of her questioning when they asked her if she had anything to add. Never ask an open-ended question like that, you’re liable to get an answer you didn’t expect and Thomas let them have it.

Violence on both sides is abhorrent, and the more you guys focus on just one side, it can do significant damage to our country.

And, certainly, I’m living with Senator Schumer having said some things on the steps of the Supreme Court that unleashed a lot of things that have us living with Marshals right now. I think the summer of 2020 has a lot of communities who felt violence by left-wing activists.

And when you don’t show that same kind of focus that you guys are focusing on the violence in the Capitol on Jan. 6th, I’m afraid of what happens — the corruption, the erosion of confidence in equal justice.

That’s the last thing I’d like to say to you.


Oh, my, did she nail them with some truth there? There isn’t close to being the same concern or focus from the Democrats when it comes to the BLM/Antifa riots or the threats to the Supreme Court. While there have been all kinds of focus to hunt down and severely punish even trespassers during the three-hour Jan. 6 riot, many of the BLM/Antifa people behind attacks on the Portland federal courthouse for 100 days in a row had their cases dismissed. Of those who were “punished,” many of the penalties consisted of community service, such as working in a food bank or encouraging people to vote. Gee, I wonder who they encouraged people to vote for?

Compare that to the severity of punishment for involvement in the one riot on Jan. 6. Attorney General Merrick Garland, who should care about such attacks against federal buildings drew an infamous distinction, seemingly dismissing the severity and the months-long attacks in Portland that injured dozens of members of law enforcement because the attacks largely happened at night. “Both are criminal,” he said, “but one is a core attack on our democratic institutions.” But if you attack at night and want to burn down the building, it’s not terrorism. Insanity.


Thomas also pointed out how they don’t seem to care about the threats the Democrats like Schumer whipped up against Supreme Court Justices.

There of course was no such committee investigation of the BLM/Antifa riots.

But that’s the kind of failure to equitably address justice that we’ve seen from the Democrats, the Committee, and the Biden administration, and Thomas is right on target and speaking for a lot of people when she lays out the Committee over it.


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