Biden Makes Visit to Buffalo About Himself, but Trips All Over His Own Hypocrisy

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Joe Biden visited the Tops Market in Buffalo on Tuesday, where a mass shooting happened on Saturday in which 10 were killed and three others were wounded. Eleven of the people shot were black, and the police have said called it a hate crime.


Biden gave remarks at the Delevan Grider Community Center. He opened his remarks by talking about how he lost his son Beau to cancer.

I’m sorry, but that’s not the same, and it’s not always about him. This is about the families who have lost their loved ones, not him or his wife. You don’t show you care more by making it about you. You don’t know what they’ve gone through; otherwise, you’d never make such a comparison. They didn’t die because they were sick over time. They were taken suddenly by a racist murderer. Don’t tell people how they are going to feel, because you don’t know. Be honest and say: I don’t know how you feel, but I will do what I can to be helpful. Don’t use your son as a prop either.

Biden had made similar remarks about it feeling like a “black hole” on Sunday at a police memorial event, but he hasn’t figured out how tone-deaf such remarks are.


While he noted the names of the victims, he tripped over one of the names and got the first name of another victim wrong.

He continued making it about himself, saying that was why he ran for president because of his distaste for white supremacists marching in Charlottesville, Virginia. He then went on to list some mass shootings, including “this week in Dallas, Texas.” He then followed that by saying “white supremacy is a poison.” While the Dallas local news has reported that the police are looking at it as a possible hate crime, they have said nothing about “white supremacy,” indeed mentioning a possible black suspect.

“Look: the American experiment in democracy is in a danger like it hasn’t been in my lifetime,” Biden said. “Hate and fear are being given too much oxygen by those who pretend to love America but who don’t understand America. To confront the ideology of hate requires caring about all people and not making distinctions.”

So then, why did Biden hire focus groups to come up with a way to demonize his political opponents? They came up with demonizing millions of people by calling them “ultra MAGA,” and Biden called them the most extreme group in history. That’s insane, and pitching hate and division. So Joe, practice what you preach; you are constantly preaching hate. Stop tripping over your hypocrisy.


Many also noted that while Biden immediately went to Buffalo, he didn’t go to Waukesha, where a black man, Darell Brooks, who had also posted racist things including about attacking white people and then allegedly drove an SUV into white people at a Christmas parade. Those people are still waiting for the visit that didn’t come. Biden condemned white supremacy in Buffalo, as he should, but he’s silent on other attacks that don’t fit that parameter.

When asked about why he was visiting Buffalo but had not visited Waukesha, new White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre wasn’t able to give a response.


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