WATCH: The Joy of People Celebrating the Nuking of the Mask Mandate

Mask mandate ended on planes (Credit: @williamlegate)

On Monday, a federal judge lifted the federal mask mandate the Biden Administration had imposed on planes and public transportation. That was followed by the TSA throwing in the towel, saying they would no longer be enforcing masks at the airport. Airlines had already been calling on the government to drop the mandate. So when the decision came down, most dropped it immediately and the celebration was underway.


We think about the passengers but the relief of the flight attendants and airports workers who have been forced to wear this for hours every day is palpable. Some cried, some cheered and jumped for joy.


The Biden Administration expressed disappointment at the decision, but they weren’t stopping the TSA from their decision. They’re going to blame the judge and try to pretend they can’t do anything about it to their leftist base.

People on the left attacked the federal judge who had been appointed by President Donald Trump who decided the case, ignoring that it was the CDC that was acting beyond its ability in imposing the mandate, to begin with, that most of the masks do nothing, that the airlines were in favor of de-masking, and that even the Senate had voted to stop the mask mandate last month, with bipartisan support.

But that didn’t stop some of the meltdowns from the people who still wanted the mandates. Their chances of catching anything likely haven’t appreciably changed. Yet some of them believe that people are on the verge of death because of this decision.


Nothing is stopping them from wearing masks, if they want. So either they truly believe their masks protect them or they do not? Which is it? They just want to force everyone else to comply whether it makes any sense or not.


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