'People's Convoy' Is Underway and Headed to DC

People assembling for People's Convoy in CA, video screenshot. Credit: @Reuters/Twitter

The People’s Convoy, the group of American truckers inspired by Canada’s Freedom Convoy got underway Wednesday, with as many as 1,000 truckers expected to be pulling out to begin an 11-day trip to Washington, D.C. —  calling for an end to the state of emergency on COVID, as well as the unconstitutional mandates and restrictions. Nineteen states still have vaccine mandates in effect.


Joe Biden quietly extended that state of emergency last Friday to now beyond March 1, when it was supposed to expire, claiming that “the COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause significant risk to the public health and safety of the nation.” This, despite his own Department of Health and Human Service Secretary Xavier Becerra telling him to end the state of emergency. They just can’t let go of the desire for power and control.

From Daily Mail:

Organizers, in a statement, echoed Landis’ sentiment saying: ‘This convoy is about freedom and unity: The truckers are riding unified across party and state lines and with people of all colors and creeds — Christians, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Mormons, Agnostics, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, Republican, Democrats.’

The cavalcade will set off from the Adelanto Stadium at midday PST Wednesday. It will then head to Kingman and Lupton in Arizona, Glenrio in Texas, Elk City and Vinita in Oklahoma, and Sullivan in Missouri.

Truckers will then head to Indianapolis, Cambridge in Ohio, and Hagerstown in Maryland, before their anticipated arrival at the DC Beltway on March 5.

The Convoy organizers say they are not going to be blocking roads or bridges like the Canadian convoy did, although one of the people from another group out of Pennsylvania said he wanted to shut down the Beltway. They’re expected to have more people joining along the way and show up around Joe Biden’s State of the Union address. Other convoys are starting in other locations, all expected to converge in D.C. A protest is planned at the Washington Monument on March 1. The protest organizers say it is time to open the country and they aren’t “going anywhere” until that happened.


Their website notes what they are about:

To our elected officials that believe they rule us: YOU work for US. Our constitution was written to provide enough power to act on a national level, but not enough to deprive the people of fundamental rights. The people are prepared to see this challenge through — as we have seen through all challenges to our Freedom in the past. And we will prevail and prosper.

To our brave and courageous neighbors to the North — our Canadian brothers and sisters who led the charge — we join your call to Freedom with THE PEOPLE’S CONVOY.


California organizer Maureen Steele said they were working with lawyers regarding donations, to make sure that what happened to the donations in Canada – where the government froze accounts and tried to seize the donated money – doesn’t happen to them. They also said they wouldn’t be going into D.C. but just be in the area.

Despite that, it sounds like the Pentagon and the city are getting ready with a response, the likes of which you wouldn’t have seen for radical leftist riots.

Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said that the National Guard had been requested to help out. They approved about 400 to help mostly with anticipated traffic disruptions, but they will also have “50 tactical vehicles.” The deployment is expected to stay until March 7. The Metropolitan Police are adding more people on for early March, and they are reinstalling the fencing that they previously had around the Capitol. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is “closely monitoring” the situation, her spokesperson said. Funny, that she was never “closely monitoring” the BLM/Antifa riots that took place in D.C., setting fires around the White House and even attacking U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and his wife.


GOP Rep. Ralph Norman, of South Carolina, told the Daily Mail that they have “every right to be angry at this government, and I believe these individuals speak for more than just themselves. I support their right to lawfully protest, without disrupting commerce, essential services, or the lives of others.” Sen. Rand Paul also said he was “all for it.”


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