Canadian MP Thinks There's a Crazy, Hidden Message in Freedom Convoy Honking

Photo by Arthur Mola/Invision/AP

There’s been a lot of crazy in response to the Freedom Convoy in Canada, with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Emergencies Act maybe at the top of the pile because it would have such a bad effect on civil liberties in the country.


Then there was also the truly delusional Diane Deans who got booted as the chair of the police services board because she was even too extreme for the regular liberals in the Ottawa government. Think about that for a minute. She not only called the Freedom Convoy folks racists and terrorists, but she also said she doubted the protestors were even Canadians, and thought it all was a plot to take over the country, funded from the United States.

But now, we have another contender for the crazy crown in Canada: Member of Parliament Ya’ra Saks. I probably don’t even need to say she’s a liberal. It’s immediately obvious from her words. This is full-on delusion.

“I, like many Canadians, was shocked to see Nazi flags, Confederate flags. Dismayed and angry and hurt, horribly hurt,” Saks exclaimed. “So how many Nazi flags does it take? How many donors from the Capitol riots? It’s 1,100 and counting who have donated to these illegal blockades. How many guns need to be seized? How much vitriol do we have to see of ‘Honk Honk,’ which is an acronym for ‘Heil Hitler,’ do we need to see by these protesters on social media?”


Saks claimed it wasn’t about the suffering from the COVID restrictions, but something “deeper, darker and uglier,” which “threatened the stability of the House.”

“When will it be an emergency for you and your colleagues across the floor?” she declared.

How about when it meets the basic threshold of an emergency? How about when it can’t be dealt with by normal law, which police have already shown that it can be addressed, without the Act?

But, this assertion is just crazy on so many levels, and unfortunately, this is where both the liberals in Canada and the United States are — making up things to justify their political tyranny. No, sometimes a “honk” is just that — a honk. If it means anything more, it’s a honk for freedom against the injustice Saks and her fellow liberals have imposed on people.

The Freedom Convoy rejected any association with Nazis or swastikas; they ran out a guy, likely a plant, who had a swastika flag while wearing a full mask — obviously not a protester.

Further, the claim that there were “1,100” from “the Capitol riots” who donated to the Freedom Convoy isn’t even close to reality. What I think she’s referring to is an ADL claim that 1,100 people donated to the Jan. 6 rally/demo that was before the riot, who allegedly donated to the Convoy. Not the same thing at all, which even the ADL was careful to note. But why should this member of Parliament be accurate — when she’s trying to slander the Convoy and rip apart Canadians’ civil liberties? Ironically, she berates honking as supposedly meaning “Heil Hitler” — blatant nonsense — while she’s the one in favor of taking away Canadians’ rights.


When she was mocked and called out for this trash take, Saks’ response was to double down and cite an “antifascist” source for the claim about Hitler. That source cited 4Chan as their “source.”

When you’re citing a 4Chan post as your ultimate source for a claim, you know you are seriously confused. If there was any way to make the initial claim even dumber, Saks just achieved it.


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