New Kamala Comms Guy Mocked Biden as 'Dazed and Confused'

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

I’m starting to lose track of how many people have fled Kamala Harris’ staff at this point. It’s at least seven at this point. According to reports, staff has described working for her as a “toxic environment” and termed her a “bully” who dishes out “soul-destroying” criticism.


Two people beat it out of there this week. We previously reported on the departure of deputy director of public engagement and intergovernmental affairs Vincent Evans. Now, director of press operations Peter Velz has made for the exits as well. They had been preceded out the door by Harris’ chief spokesperson Symone Sanders and communications director Ashley Etienne.

They have a new communications director coming in, according to Fox News. But there’s a small problem with him — he made sense once upon a time, which suggests that he isn’t going to last long in the Biden-Harris orbit. He’s mocked Joe Biden and been critical of Harris.

Simmons previously hosted a news show for The Hill called “Why You Should Care,” in which he aired a segment in August 2019 titled “Dazed & Confused,” poking fun at Biden for the many conflated and exaggerated stories he’s told the public over the years.

“We do this story about once a week!” Simmons said at the time. “It’s what you get with Uncle Joe.”

That sounds right on target, as we’ve reported many many times. That’s going to be tough to explain when he’s asked about that.


Simmons has said that Kamala “never quite got comfortable getting out of the pre-planned moment.” He also called said her campaign seemed “listless and unfocused.”

“When Kamala Harris goes into a room, frankly sometimes when Joe Biden goes into a room you just don’t know what will happen in that room, what they will argue,” Simmons added.

He also said, “Biden seems more like a winged bird than the inevitable nominee.”

Simmons has also previously promoted doubt about a potential coronavirus vaccine back in 2020 under President Donald Trump, as indeed, Kamala Harris had, saying he was “pushing a janky science vaccine into the public for political purposes” that could do “intentional harm.”

What may do him in before he starts — at least with progressives — is what he said about illegal aliens in 2010.

“Just saw 2 undocumented folks talking on MSNBC. One Law student the other a protester. Can someone explain why ICE is not picking them up?” he tweeted Nov. 29, 2010. [….]

“I’ll try this again: Just saw 2 undocumented folks talking on MSNBC and have serious legal question. Why wouldn’t ICE pick them up?” he asked. “We [should] harden borders & ease visas/find ways to bring undocumented into legal status/punish employers. My [question] was [a] common sense one.”


Whoops. That’s not going to float the boat of any of the progressives when they hear about that.

While Simmons appears to be a liberal, it sounds like he has some sensible thoughts mixed in there, which means he’s not going to survive in that mess. Over/under on how long he lasts in the dysfunctional, dazed, and confused Biden-Harris Administration? One has to think not long.


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