Sen. Blumenthal Denies Knowing Event He Went to Was Communist-Related, but We Have Video

(AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)

A few days ago, I wrote about Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) attending an event given by a Communist Party affiliate organization. The event was the Connecticut People’s World Committee Amistad Awards, and they were also reportedly celebrating the 102nd anniversary of the Communist Party USA.


But once Blumenthal’s attendance at the event became known, it blew up on him and earned a lot of concern. It also wasn’t just that he attended; it was that he gave the awardees special recognition from the U.S. Senate during the Communist-related event — essentially pulling the Senate into the event as well.

Blumenthal is now claiming that he didn’t know that it was a Communist Party-related event and if he did, he wouldn’t have attended.

“My understanding was that this ceremony was strictly a labor event,” Blumenthal said Friday in a telephone interview. “If I had known the details, I wouldn’t have gone. … Let me just say very emphatically, I’m a Democrat and a strong believer in American capitalism. I have been consistently a Democrat and a strong supporter and believer in American capitalism.” [….]

“People are going to do what they’re going to do. I’m just going to keep doing my job for the people of Connecticut. There’s a lot at stake in the Senate right now – voting rights, the ongoing pandemic, making childcare affordable, lowering prescription drug prices. That’s where my focus is.”

He claimed he goes to lots of events all over the state.


Uh, yeah, no, can’t get away with that, Da Nang Dick. We have the videotape.

First of all, it was apparent at the time it was a communist-related event, as I previously noted; they were celebrating the anniversary of the founding of the party in the United States. Blumenthal said he was “very excited and honored” to be with them and to “share this remarkable occasion.” What remarkable occasion would that be, Senator? Sure sounds like you knew what “occasion” it was.

Second, I would note the communist references throughout the video, even the invitations for people to join the Communist Party during the event. So, he’s at a recruitment event.

“If you are not already part of the Communist Party, we invite you to participate and contribute and join,” Bergmann said after Blumenthal’s speech concluded. “There’s more and more people talking about socialism in this country as it becomes more and more clear that capitalism is not going to work for our future.”

McManus similarly urged attendees to “join the Communist Party in this epic time as we make good trouble to uproot systemic racism, retool the war economy, tax the rich, address climate change, secure voting rights, and create a new socialist system that puts people, peace, and planet before profits.”


Blumenthal, during his speech, also thanks them for their “help and support over many many years.”

So, there’s no way he couldn’t have known. But if he’s claiming that, he’s telling us he’s the stupidest man on the planet, that he’s incredibly easily manipulated and doesn’t bother to do his research. That’s just as bad an alternative, so it doesn’t save him at all. Either he’s been used by communists and/or is a fellow traveler.


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