WATCH: Man Who Claims Relation to George Floyd Suggests Effort to Dox Rittenhouse Jury

A man who calls himself the nephew of George Floyd has created a stir with a troubling video talking about the jurors in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.

Cortez Rice — who has previously claimed to be Floyd’s nephew and has been involved in protests — put out a video talking about what appeared to be an effort to take pictures of the jury in the Rittenhouse trial, presumably with the aim of identifying them.


“I ain’t even gonna name the people that I know that’s up…in the Kenosha trial,” Rice said in the video. “But it’s cameras in there. It’s definitely cameras up in there. There’s definitely people taking pictures of the jurors and everything like that. We know what’s going on, so we need the same results, man. Justice for Daunte Wright. Justice for…”

Rice was also involved in a protest outside what they thought was the home of a judge who had ruled against cameras in the courtroom in the case of Daunte Wright who was killed in a shooting by a police officer in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota. It’s not clear that they even got the right house.

The judge in that case ruled against allowing video or audio coverage of the trial and the people agitating were angry at that decision.


Julio Rosas, who works for our sister Townhall publication, has been on the ground covering the Rittenhouse trial and he says he hasn’t observed anyone taking pictures of the jury, but he notes that’s an obvious concern, if true, that needs to be investigated.

Rosas said the jury was concerned with their identity being revealed.

This kind of thing can have an effect on the jury even if there is no actual physical attempt to dox them or do anything further. If they believe they are being threatened, that could be enough to potentially cow them into a guilty verdict if they think a not guilty verdict is going to put them in danger or make the city erupt. The jury in this case is not sequestered, although obviously they’ve no doubt been advised not to listen to anything having to do with the case.

We’ve already seen that the trial hasn’t been going well for the prosecution, with the prosecution alleging in opening statements that Rittenhouse was chasing Joseph Rosenbaum when it was the other way around. Then, the prosecution witnesses provided evidence that basically imploded the prosecution’s case and gave more support for self-defense on the part of Rittenhouse.


So it’s very likely that if the jury is looking at this honestly, there will be an acquittal. But if we hope to preserve that right to a fair trial we have to protect their ability to render a fair verdict and make sure that there aren’t any efforts to influence or threaten them. This is a problem when they have to face not only the facts of the case but potential threats to themselves and their community, as well.


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