Biden's Ratings Take Lowest Dive Yet, 'Sinking Like Titanic'

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I thought the Quinnipiac Poll that had Joe Biden at 38 percent approval to 53 percent disapproval was pretty low.

But Joe Biden proves that you can always go lower.


White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki may think that our present economy where we have a 13-year high in inflation is a “good thing,” but Americans are delivering a decisive opinion that they don’t think so, no matter what Psaki may say. Then there’s the border, Afghanistan, and the possibility of no presents under the tree come Christmas — and people are not feeling too kindly toward Joe Biden. He’s truly up a creek without a paddle at this point.

In the latest Zogby poll of U.S. likely voters, Biden just hit a new job performance low of 36.4 percent.

From Washington Examiner:

“Our latest polling shows President Biden with a 36% positive job performance rating (excellent-15% and good-21% combined), while his negative rating is 61% (fair-19% and poor-42% combined),” pollster Jonathan Zogby of Zogby Analytics told us.

Worst of all, women are abandoning the president, followed by independents — voters critical to helping lobby for his $3.5 trillion tax-and-spending plan and $1.2 trillion infrastructure program.

“Women voters are abandoning ship. Biden needs to improve his polling numbers with women or Democratic leaders risk losing the 2022 midterm election,” said Zogby.

This tailors with other polls where we have seen Biden doing badly, particularly with independents, but this adds the additional element that he’s losing women as well. Another poll even found him underwater in 40 states including his own state of Delaware. He’s been doing badly even in deep- blue states like Minnesota, with people now questioning his mental sharpness.


Zogby said his diminishing the multiple crises that people are seeing and feeling aren’t helping Biden’s position.

“Voters can’t help but wonder why the Biden administration keeps sweeping these issues under the rug and declaring them ‘transitory.’ Democratic leaders cannot even come to consensus within their own ranks,” Zogby said in his analysis.

“Without the passage of the ‘Build Back Better Act,’ or a solid infrastructure bill, and the potential default of the U.S. debt on the horizon, is it any surprise Biden’s presidency is sinking like the Titanic? Biden’s failure to reach vaccination goals and his executive vaccine mandates have also not helped his cause,” he added.

Zogby noted there’s a lot of buyer’s remorse about Biden at this point. As we previously reported , at least one poll indicates that 1 in 5 Democrats have regret voting for Biden, would vote for President Donald Trump and that Trump would win by 10 points. Now, obviously, that’s speculative, but it’s not boding well for Biden as he keeps digging that hole and finding a deeper bottom that he can hit.


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