Questions Linger Over Donations Biden Got From a Russian Lobbyist Before Nord Stream 2 Decision

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Joe Biden’s presidential campaign accepted thousands of dollars from a top Russian lobbyist in October 2020, according to the NY Post.

This was not only against Biden’s campaign pledge not to take lobbyist money, but as the Post explains, Richard Burt was directly involved in lobbying related to Nord Stream 2.


As we previously reported, Joe Biden has come under fire for waiving sanctions on the company, Nord Stream 2 AG and the CEO, Putin crony and former East German intelligence officer Matthias Warnig. The U.S. and President Donald Trump were fighting the pipeline for years, but then Biden just caved by waiving the sanctions, giving Russia an ability to control energy into the EU.

According to the Post, Burt donated $4,000 to the Biden campaign and $10,000 to the liberal political action committee Unite the Country in March 2020.

To build the pipeline, Nord Stream 2 has partnered with five European energy companies, ENGIE, OMV, Shell, Uniper and Wintershall Dea. Lobbying disclosure forms show that Burt is currently advocating on behalf of all five.

“To protect and further the company’s interests in the debate over natural gas as an element of European energy security and advise on Russia sanctions issues,” reads Burt’s disclosure for OMV under the area for “specific lobbying issues.” The other four offer similar language.

When the New York Post started asking about the connection and the donation, the DNC said that they returned the cash after the inquiry.

“When Richard Burt donated to Biden Victory Fund, he failed to acknowledge that he was a registered foreign agent and was therefore ineligible to contribute,” A Democratic National Committee spokesman told The Post. “Because Burt also listed a different employer than on his [Foreign Agents Registration Act] registration, he was not flagged during our vetting process.”


What’s incredibly ironic about all this is that liberal media has not highlighted the problems of Biden caving on Nord Stream 2, plus they haven’t yet covered this question of Burt being behind donations in proximity to Biden’s decision. But they were all in on trying to link President Donald Trump to the Russia lobbyist.

Let’s contrast that with what they did when Burt, who used to be supportive of Republicans but then flipped in 2019, gave some early advice to President Donald Trump’s campaign, “Lobbyist advised Trump campaign while promoting Russian pipeline,” Politico proclaimed in 2016. The purpose was of course to feed the “Putin Puppet” claim. But Trump always fought against the pipeline and thought it vital that it not be completed.

Unlike Trump, in the case of Biden, you had an actual donation and then, a waiving of sanctions.

Then, also while Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) was attacking Trump, constantly implying he was a Putin puppet, he also got a $2,800 donation from Burt in March 2019. So if getting advice from Burt made one a Putin puppet, how about taking his money? Or does this only work one way?

The DNC only returned the money after the inquiry from the Post — otherwise this would have gone by everyone, had the Post not looked into it.


This is just one more of those things hanging out there from Biden that raises questions about money and foreign connections, along with things like lying about not knowing anything about his son’s business, when the evidence showing that he met with multiple business associates of his son.

So will the liberal media be calling out any of this anytime soon?


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