If You Thought Joe Manchin Was Going to Save Us, How Wrong You Were

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

With the results of the Georgia run-offs, it looks like the Republicans have lost the Senate to the Democrats. At last check, though, Sen. David Perdue had not yet conceded and as I wrote, there are questions that need to be answered about the numbers. But no one is pressing for answers on those questions in the wake of what happened at the U.S. Capitol.


But with the Senate now being so close, a lot is being written about the power that effectively devolves to Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV). Folks think that because he’s more conservative that he might be the savior that will stop some of the more radical moves the Democrats might try. Would he stand against them when they try to pack the Supreme Court, which you know is now coming? Perhaps. But don’t bet on it.

Just recall how he voted on impeachment when that action was a clear political hack job. He went along with the Democratic effort. That should have been the time he stood for principle and he didn’t.

Now, he’s given another indication that if you thought he would stand for conservative values, you’re betting on the wrong horse.

Twitter had locked President Donald Trump’s Twitter account earlier this week, saying they wouldn’t release it unless he eliminated three tweets. They opened the account back up again yesterday.

But this morning, Manchin urged Twitter to suspend his account.

“The next 12 days are critical for the preservation of our democracy. @jack, once again I urge you to suspend the @realDonaldTrump @twitter account in the interest of our national security and public safety,” Mnuchin tweeted at Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.


Now, in addition to this just being wrong, it’s a very bad position for a so-called “conservative” to take, shutting down speech. Yes, Twitter certainly has the ability to do so. But it’s a slippery slope to start down when you do such things. Trying to shut down contrary speech that big tech of the powers that be don’t like is part of the reason we’re in the bad place we are in right now. We’re on the march now to only having big tech approved speech and it is more than a little troubling to contemplate.

On top of everything else, shutting down the Twitter of the account of the president of the United States will only antagonize an already jacked-up situation. If people who are already upset think you are completely cutting off Trump’s means of communication, what do you think the result might be? Let me guess, not a good result.

Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat have all suspended Trump’s account indefinitely and blamed him for the riot at the Capitol. Shopify has also removed Trump’s official stores from its platform.


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