Trump Has a Big Message for Folks on the Senate Races in Georgia

AP Photo/Carlos Osorio

President Donald Trump is putting out a message to the troops: get out and vote for the two Republican Senate candidates, Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Sen. David Perdue in Georgia! And that he would be on his way to Georgia to hold a rally to encourage everyone to get out and vote.


President Trump made it clear that despite the fact he is contesting the current results of the presidential election in Georgia that he wanted his supporters to vote for the senators in the run-off election in January and not boycott the race, as some supporters had been suggesting because of the concerns about the fraud.

Trump nixed any thoughts of a boycott. He tweeted, “we must get out and help David and Kelly, two GREAT people. Otherwise we are playing right into the hands of some very sick people. I will be in Georgia on Saturday!” The White House clarified he meant Saturday, Dec. 5, for a rally.

Winning the two seats in Georgia is vitally important to Republicans holding control of the Senate and Republicans holding control of the Senate may be the only thing that stands in the way of the incredibly destructive progressive agenda that might come in if Joe Biden were to get into office including packing the Supreme Court (which would undo all the work that Trump has done by appointing Constitutionalists to the Court). Might there still be questions about the January election? Yes, but hopefully everyone is out in force to prevent that. But if you boycott them, you can be assured that you lose.


Vice President Mike Pence has already been to Georgia to stump for the GOP candidates, stressing the importance of everyone coming out.

From Daily Wire:

“The Republican Senate majority could be the last line of defense for all that we’ve done to defend this nation, revive our economy, and preserve the God-given liberties that we hold dear,” the vice president remarked in his Georgia speech.

Back in early November, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) told a crowd of New Yorkers that taking the two Georgia Senate seats from Loeffler and Perdue and electing Rafael Warnock and Jon Ossoff would be a step toward changing the country.

“Now we take Georgia, and then we change the world,” said Schumer on the streets of New York City. “Now we take Georgia, then we change America.”

Only if we work to stop it from doing so.


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