Portland Antifa Block Cars, Demand People Raise Fists, Smash Businesses, in Memory of RBG

Portland Police
AP featured image
M. County building

Antifa in Portland had a “direct action” march, seemingly in memory of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

But indeed, it involved everything RBG would have decried.


Yes, Ginsburg was a liberal. But she was a liberal who believed passionately in America and its institutions. RBG decried things like kneeling for the anthem and burning the flag as “dumb” and something with which she didn’t agree.

“I think it’s really dumb of them,” the Supreme Court justice said. “Would I arrest them for doing it? No. I think it’s dumb and disrespectful. I would have the same answer if you asked me about flag burning. While she apologized later after there was a backlash and said she should have withheld comment, it was clear that she was not in favor of such things and wouldn’t be a fan of rioting. It’s disgusting on its own, but even more so when they try to use her image in the process.

But Antifa didn’t care about that, defiling Portland and RBG’s memory by reportedly using her face in their promotion and then going around the city, smashing up businesses and people’s property.

Smashing Starbucks, which has done everything they can to be as woke as possible. That doesn’t save them.


They also smashed Chipotle.

Lighting a flag on fire, something which RBG would have condemned.

Not only did they smash businesses, they blocked the road for hours. They demanded that this guy do a black power/socialist fist and declare “Black Lives Matter” before they would let him through.

But then they allegedly smashed up the truck he was in so raising the fist didn’t save him.

This was done reportedly outside the Central Police Precinct. So where were the police?


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