The Mayhem and Aftermath in Kenosha: 'Here's More Evidence of 'Peaceful Protesting,' Mr. Barack Obama'

AP Photo/Morry Gash
AP featured image
A firefighter is seen near a burnt out truck near the Kenosha County Court House Monday, Aug. 24, 2020, in Kenosha, Wis. Kenosha police shot a man Sunday evening, setting off unrest in the city after a video appeared to show the officer firing several shots at close range into the man’s back. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)

As we reported earlier, Kenosha exploded in the wake of a police shooting.

We don’t know all the facts yet, but the video shows the man who was shot, Jacob Blake, reaching into his car, as cops are trying to take him into custody when the police shoot him in the back. He’s fortunately still alive although seriously injured.

But here’s the thing. Even if the cops were completely in the wrong, how does rioting, looting and destruction make anything better? It simply destroys more lives and serves the cause of the chaos being promoted by the radical left.

Even though we don’t know all the facts yet, the rioters didn’t wait, erupting across the city.

Drew Hernandez, who has done yeoman’s work in places like Portland, was there covering the rioting.

They attacked the courthouse (Hernandez mistakenly labeled it Minneapolis).

There was this video which my colleague Streiff covered, when rioters with rifles stopped the police and may have fired at them.


But here’s Hernandez describing some of the aftermath after the BLM rioters went after the courthouse, businesses, car dealerships, even came close to setting a church ablaze. He points out how the BLM have literally left their mark, with BLM lettering on the destruction.


They even destroyed a library because apparently reading and learning about history must be bad. You might decide being a socialist is bad or you might read about things like the Red Guard and that might help you understand what’s happening now.

Putting up signage saying that they were supporting the BLM or the black community didn’t help, the one of the right is from Kenosha last night.

Hernandez challenged the folks at the DNC including Barack Obama who embraced the BLM and termed these “peaceful protests” to look and “use your brain, people.” “Does this look like the acts of peaceful protesters?” he asked.


Democrats have painted the BLM and the riots as “peaceful protests” and acted as though this is all just an understandable thing that should be tolerated. No, it isn’t, destroying more lives doesn’t bring back one life. It just makes rioters think they are justified in their actions.

As a result of his coverage, Hernandez has gotten death threats but he’s still standing out there, providing excellent coverage.

So at what point are Democrats going to stand up and condemn this and stop excusing this as somehow justifiable or peaceful?


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