Not Even Pretending Anymore: CNN's Jake Tapper Retweets George Conway Calling Trump 'Insane,' Then Makes It Worse

Jake Tapper attends Politicon at The Pasadena Convention Center on Saturday, Aug. 29, 2017, in Pasadena, Calif. (Photo by Colin Young-Wolff/Invision/AP)

CNN anchor Jake Tapper got busted for a truly bad retweet, now he’s making it even worse by digging a bigger hole for himself.


MRC’s Nicholas Fondacaro noticed Tapper retweeted a tweet from anti-Trump crazy George Conway in which Conway Called President Donald Trump “100% insane.”

He then appeared to undo the retweet and quote tweeted Conway’s comment instead, trying to make it sound as if he was only pointing out a “noteworthy comment,” a particularly weaselly way to cover his tracks while trying to say the same thing.

A lot of people called him out for it, including Professor Jonathan Turley, who said such things “further undermines the media by reaffirming for many that the media is campaigning against Trump rather than covering him.”


Tapper tried to explain himself to Turley, but he only made it worse.

Of course, that’s not what Conway said in the tweet he retweeted. There’s nothing noteworthy about Conway, an avowed anti-Trump person, saying Trump is insane, he does it virtually every day because he’s obsessed with him. The problem here is Tapper giving credence to someone who is not all there, with nothing even remotely noteworthy or legitimate criticism in that tweet. He even suggests Conway has credibility by saying he knows people in the administration. Yes, he knows his wife who doesn’t agree with him. Not to mention that Conway ceased being conservative, if he ever was, when he said he would vote for a socialist instead of Trump.

Tapper’s efforts to cya only made it more clear how lacking in objectivity he is.


That is not new to CNN which has constantly attacked Trump, even so far as choosing to not cover the briefing meant to inform Americans about virus actions because of their opinion about Trump — a decision that just happened to be after polls showing the briefings were raising Trump’s approval ratings.

Maybe CNN ought to wonder why their own ratings are constantly in the toilet and why no one trusts anything they say? Definition of insanity, but they just keep doing it….


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