Biden Claims He 'Became A Professor’ After He Left the Obama Admin, Except He Never Taught A Class

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks during a campaign event, Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2020, in Ames, Iowa. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)


Democrats really have locked themselves into a box in their race to find a presidential nominee.

Their two top guys, one is a radical socialist, the other can’t seem to keep anything he says straight.

This is Joe Biden’s third time trying for the brass ring.

In 1988 he had to drop out after he got caught lying about his background and plagiarizing a speech. In 2008, he dropped out early on when he couldn’t win a primary.

He still hasn’t won a primary but may be about to on Saturday.

But now questions are being raised about his claim that after he left the White House, he “became a teacher, I became a professor.”

You can hear him saying it hear on Wednesday in South Carolina at about :28 and actually he doesn’t even say it right, he says “when he left the U.S. Senate,” he’s trying to say that he did that rather than taking a Wall Street job.

Except that isn’t quite true.

While he did become a “professor,” being named the “Benjamin Franklin Presidential Practice Professor” for the University of Pennsylvania, he never actually taught anything nor did they expect him to teach anything, according to the Daily Caller.

“He will not be teaching classes,” Biden spokesperson Kate Bedingfield said in 2017.

One article at The Daily Pennsylvanian featured the headline “No One Is Really Sure What Joe Biden Will Be Doing At Penn.”

UPenn announced Biden’s hiring on February 7, just a week after he left office, and by the end of February Biden’s role was “still uncertain” and “being ironed out,” University spokesperson Stephen MacCarthy told the Pennsylvanian.


What does seem to be true is that he was paid a ton of money for what looks like about four speeches a year each in 2017 and then in 2018. For that, he got $776, 527.

According to Vice Provost Anita Allen he was hired to “lead the Washington D.C. Penn Biden Center” which didn’t open until 2018 and he took a leave of absence to run for president in April 2019.

So basically what it appears to be is them buying Biden for prestige and connections, to have that connection. And what a deal for him, to get more than three quarters of a million for basically showing his face a few times a year. That might pay more than a Wall Street job, certainly for the time put in. A Wall Street job would have required much more effort.


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