#TargetTori Story Just Got Even Better

Screenshot from this tweet

Screenshot from this tweet

We reported on the story of how Tori the Target manager was harassed by an “award-winning” multimedia journalist David Leavitt over the price of an electric toothbrush which was either a mistake or which he misread, claiming that she should sell it to him for one cent, what he believed was on the tag.


Leavitt even called the police on the poor manager after she wouldn’t do it. Who calls the police and wastes their time for such a thing?

He also posted her picture and tried to shame her on social media to his over 200,000 followers.

People from both sides of the aisle came together and brought him up short for being childish and harassing the manager.

Carpe Donktum, the meme maker, then started a Go Fund Me to send “Target Tori” on vacation after having to deal with such a horrible customer. He managed to track her down and gave her control of the account, which is now an amazing amount, almost $30,000. She was very thankful for everyone’s generosity.


Happy ending, right?

But it gets better.

Tori said that this “support has changed her life” and she wants to pay it forward to donate it to a cause to which everyone be proud to donate.

What a wonderful way to respond!

HT: Twitchy


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