A second opinion on the Russian RT "second opinion"

Here in DC, there’s a propaganda campaign being run by RT, the Russian state-run
‘news’ channel that broadcasts in English. One poster, that I have to walk by every day going home from work, features a really nasty-looking caricature of Colin Powell at the UN Security Council, reminiscent of the worst of Nazi or Communist propaganda posters. It says “This is what happens when there is no second opinion,” and goes on to repeat lies and misinformation about the toppling of Saddam Hussein.


Someone else got sick of it, and now the poster has been defaced with the truth about Russia.

Here’s the poster I have to grit my teeth walking by every day. Note the particularly demonic look given to Colin Powell, which reminds me of the racist treatments of Barack Obama that Russia’s been giving.


And here’s the second opinion to the ‘second opinion’, courtesy of a pseudonymous critic:


We must never let RT’s lies take root in America, including their aggressive pro-Edward Snowden campaign.


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