Boxer getting the benefit of press bias in her favor

Imagine if Sarah Palin promised reporters she’d take questions, then ran out from the event through the side door to avoid the questioning? Now imagine if Sharron Angle or Christine O’Donnell did it. The same shunned press would call them out for it and say they were fake or even avoiding accountability. Palin, of course, was accused of being entirely unqualified in part to avoiding high pressure press exposure, a charge Ginger Gibson is also leveling against O’Donnell.


Well, Babs Boxer has joined the club. I’m not expecting a rash of stories calling her an unqualified fake, seeking to avoid accountability for her 28 failed years in DC, though.

GayPatriot says it all, really:

Do hope the media give us a bit more coverage of Mrs. Boxer’s attempts to avoid the media. After all, shouldn’t they be castigating her for ignoring them? I mean, if she had an (R) after her name, they’d be wondering what she’s trying to hide.

Help Carly Fiorina who, if elected, will be open with the citizens she seeks to represent.

Boxer is desperate, so desperate she wants others to break the law to help her. So desperate that Barack Obama came out here twice to raise money for her. It’s time for the final push to beat her anyway.


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