Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Democrats will exceed expectations. ...Heh. Maybe they will.


Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz said the strength of individual candidates will help her party outperform expectations in the upcoming midterms.

“Pundits are wildly misinterpreting or over interpreting,” the Florida Democrat said, specifically responding to a projection published by the Washington Post that gives Republicans an 86 percent chance of taking control of the Senate.

“Models don’t elect candidates. Voters do,” she said, speaking at a Thursday morning event organized by centrist Democratic think tank Third Way.



The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee moved Rep. Rick Nolan of Minnesota to its Frontline program — a reflection of growing concern over his re-election prospects.

The Frontline program is for House Democrats’ most vulnerable incumbents.

Nolan’s opponent for Minnesota’s 8th District is GOP businessman Stewart Mills. The move came after second-quarter campaign fundraising reports revealed that Mills raised more money than Nolan in April, May and June.

…You know, I hear that voters elect candidates.  Even in places like MN-08, apparently.

Via Instapundit, who is also quietly amused at the thought that, hey, the Democrats may indeed exceed expectations this year.  Considering that said expectations are on the floor, well…

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: It needs hardly be said, but: Stewart Mills for MN-08.


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