Pat Quinn (D, IL) is playing with fire here.

I had and have no stake in any confrontation between the Bears and the Packers, but a bet is a bet, Governor Quinn.  You bet Governor Walker of Wisconsin that the Bears would win the NFC Championship.  You lost that bet.  Accordingly, your soup kitchen volunteer shift awaits.  So stop looking nervously at various union bosses and pay up.


Because if you don’t, you’ll never get to make another media-friendly friendly wager without your welching on this one being brought up.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: Nicely… symbolic, isn’t it?

PPS: You just know that there’s a hardcore progressive or two scratching his head right now over this topic and honestly confused about why it’s such a big deal that Pat Quinn won’t honor a bet.  I blame their parents, myself.

PPPS: To blatantly steal from one of my RS colleagues: no, giving shelter to fourteen homeless Wisconsin Democrats doesn’t count.


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