'Experts' Blame Antisemitic, Pro-Hamas Demonstrations on... Wait for It... COVID

AP Photo/Richard Vogel

OK, I gotta admit it. I didn't see this one coming. While it's pretty much a given that the left never accepts responsibility for anything it does (see: Buck-Passing Biden), I didn't have "blame the pro-Hamas, antisemitic demonstrations on COVID" on my bingo card. "Climate change," maybe — but not COVID.


Yet that's what two undoubtedly left-wing "experts" now claim. Their argument goes like this:

The demonstrators, some of whom have threatened Jewish students or called for the death of Zionists, "are part of a generation shaped by the pandemic, who grew up isolated and angered by school shut-downs and social distancing and are desperate to find a connection."

That's probably the most ridiculous excuse you'll read, all day. 

Let's first do the math. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), states first began to implement lockdowns on March 15, 2020. Less than two weeks later, Donald Trump called for a nationwide lockdown. 

So for argument's sake, let's assume that the average age of the demonstrators is 20, which means they would have been 16 when the lockdowns began. How does that conflate with "grew up isolated"? It doesn't of course, and neither does the "part of a generation shaped by the pandemic" silliness.

Forensic psychiatrist Carole Lieberman — who's also a California-based trial expert witness — told the New York Post that the pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel "cause" allows the "discontented" demonstrators to express “long-withheld rage,” and gives them an “opportunity to identify with the ‘oppressed’ against ‘oppressors.'"

People who offer an escape from this confusion by promoting a direction they claim will lead to happiness and purpose, have found a hungry audience.

The worst example of ignorance is that the protesters do not know that terrorists want global jihad — not just to destroy Israel — They also don’t know what they are saying, when they chant, 'From the river to the sea.'



Granted, I'm sure a majority of the demonstrators couldn't pass a basic quiz on the reality in the Middle East, including Hamas and their ilk's blind hatred of Jews and the very existence of Israel, but why would an infinitesimal percentage of all young people who were "angered by school shut-downs and social distancing" decide to manifest their anger by chanting "From the river to the sea," "Death to Israel," "Kill the Zionists," or any other such vileness? 

Olan Mijana, a spokesman for the March on DNC 2024 coalition, was quoted saying:

To us, the optics are communicating that we deny the Biden administration’s narrative about COVID — that it’s no longer a big deal. It’s about collective safety, and it’s also about connecting this COVID neglect to the very issues that we’re marching on the DNC for.

The protesters may feel angry for the pandemic taking away pivotal, highly anticipated experiences for them — for example socialization in college and missing graduations — and, thus, they are using protesting as a way to release their anger.

Again, nonsense.

A complete crock-of-crap excuse, concocted solely to justify or excuse the actions of people who, of their own volition, have resurrected memories of a dark time in world history that ultimately led to the deliberate murder of roughly six million European Jews.

The Bottom Line

With respect to Carol Lieberman and Olan Mijana — and their "expert" opinions — this is a good example of the type of "news" some on our side might say or write: "They think you're stupid." 


On the contrary, Lieberman, Mijana, and other apologists like them know you're not stupid, which is precisely why they concoct such nonsense— nonsense that's aimed at low-information left-wingers and Democrat voters who buy every word of it.

Moreover, in the minds of the antisemitic demonstrators who might believe nonsense like the above, is it reasonable to assume that the excuses validate their behavior, if not encourage them to continue it?

Hell yes, it's reasonable — and probable, to boot.

Editor's note: This article was edited for clarity after publication.


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