
'Non-Binary' Canadian Wants Taxpayers to Fund Surgery to Give 'Them' a Vagina AND Keep 'Their' Penis

AP Photo/Rick Bowmer

In this episode of Surgical Genital Mutilation Just Keeps Getting Weirder...

A 33-year-old Canadian citizen wants taxpayers to fund surgery to make them a vagina while also keeping their functional penis, in a first-of-its-kind case. 

I know — me, too. Just struggle along with me.

The Ontario resident was "born a male" (Translation: He is a male.) but "identifies" as "non-binary," meaning "they" are not exclusively male or female but, according to court documents, "literally a mix." 

Here's more, from Canada's National Post:

In a lengthy legal battle that could lead to more requests for individually customized and unorthodox gender-affirming surgeries, an Ontario resident is seeking publicly funded surgery to construct a vagina while preserving the penis. 

The case, now before the courts, reflects a small but growing demand for niche surgeries for people who identify as non-binary, meaning neither exclusively female nor exclusively male.

To critics, the procedures are risky experiments that illustrate “how far off the rails” gender-affirming medicine has gone and the excesses of “consumer-driven gender embodiment.”

Pamela Buffone, founder of the parents’ group Canadian Gender Report, said in an email to the National Post that Canada's public healthcare system is at the breaking point:

Our public health-care system is at the breaking point and really needs to focus on procedures that are medically necessary.

Is this type of surgery health care? The patient will not be physically healthier because of the operation, which is likely to result in complications, the need for corrective surgeries, and further demands on the health system.

Very well said — and very likely to be true.

Ontario's Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) initially denied the request because the procedure is experimental and is not performed in Canada. The "patient," referred to only as "K.S.," took the case to the province's appeals board, which overturned the decision  — prompting a counter-appeal.

According to court documents, K.S. has suffered from gender dysphoria since they were a teen. They are non-binary but skew 'transfeminine' and go by "she/her." 

K.S.'s doctor, an Ottawa endocrinologist, testified in support of "her" request for the unusual surgery. 

"It is very important for (K.S.) to have a vagina for her personal interpretation of her gender expression but she also wishes to maintain her penis," the doctor wrote in a letter of support.

"(K.S.) is transfeminine but not completely on the 'feminine' end of the spectrum (and) for this reason it's important for her to have a vagina while maintaining a penis."

Moreover, K.S. argued that removing "her" penis would only make "her" dysphoria even worse.

Just me, or does anyone else think that last sentence is utterly insane? "Off the rails" doesn't even begin to describe it.

LGBTQ rights group Egale Canada argued in a written submission to the court.

Ultimately, OHIP’s interpretation (of a vaginoplasty) is exclusionary and discriminates against non-binary people on the basis of their gender identity. If there is any ambiguity in what should be publicly covered, it should be resolved in favor of the claimant.

Hang on. If public disagreement exists — on any issue — why should such an issue automatically be resolved in favor of the claimant? The question is mostly rhetorical because the answer is "Hell, no, it should not be automatically be decided in favor of the claimant." 

But, here's the thing. This is how the left thinks — as long the claimant is leftist. And if not? Then the issue should be resolved however the left thinks it should be resolved.

If the case is ultimately approved, K.S. will travel to the Crane Center in Austin, Texas, which specializes in several non-standard gender surgeries.

OK, I'm outta here. I think I'll take a few aspirin and chill for a bit. 


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