Former President Trump Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize — The Reason Will Set Democrats' Hair on Fire

AP Photo/Reba Saldanha

This is gonna leave a mark. On Democrats, I mean. 

Former President Donald Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-N.Y.) cited Trump's "historic" Abraham Accords treaty as the reason for the nomination.


The Abraham Accords, signed at the Trump White House on September 15, 2020, consisted of dual agreements in which both the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain recognized Israel's sovereignty, enabling the establishment of full diplomatic relations with the Jewish State.

Tenney told Fox News Digital in a statement that Trump's achievement proved foreign policy experts and international organizations wrong.

Donald Trump was instrumental in facilitating the first new peace agreements in the Middle East in almost 30 years. For decades, bureaucrats, foreign policy 'professionals', and international organizations insisted that additional Middle East peace agreements were impossible without a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. President Trump proved that to be false.

As Tenney continued to laud the former president, she also took a well-deserved shot at the Nobel Peace Prize Committee for ignoring Trump's achievement.

The valiant efforts by President Trump in creating the Abraham Accords were unprecedented and continue to go unrecognized by the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, underscoring the need for his nomination today. 

Now more than ever, when Joe Biden’s weak leadership on the international stage is threatening our country’s safety and security, we must recognize Trump for his strong leadership and his efforts to achieve world peace. I am honored to nominate former President Donald Trump today and am eager for him to receive the recognition he deserves.


This wasn't Trump's first Nobel nomination — it was actually his fourth.

In 2020, Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a member of the Norwegian Parliament, who applauded Trump's efforts in "resolving protracted conflicts worldwide," first nominated the then-president.

Several months later, Laura Huhtasaari, a member of the conservative Swedish Finns Party, wrote to the Nobel Committee to nominate Trump for the 2021 prize "in recognition of his endeavors to end the era of endless wars, construct peace by encouraging conflicting parties for dialogue and negotiations, as well as underpin internal cohesion and stability of his country."

Then, in September 2020, Trump was nominated by a group of Australian lawmakers. Australian legal scholar David Flint told Sky News Australia at the time:

What he has done with the Trump Doctrine is that he has decided he would no longer have America involved in endless wars, wars which achieve nothing but the killing of thousands of young Americans and enormous debts imposed on America. He's reducing America's tendency to get involved in any and every war.

All four times, Trump was denied. Shocked? Me, neither.

So will Trump's fourth time be the charm? Don't hold your breath. There's no way in left-wing elitist hell that the Nobel Peace Prize Committee would give the prestigious award to the former president. First, it would set left-wing hair on fire around the globe. Second, the snobs would never give Trump World the satisfaction of being able to forever say: "See, we told you!"


The Bottom Line

So here's the thing. The nomination itself — regardless of who nominated Trump and for what reason — is likely sending left-wingers across the fruited plain into histrionic fits as you read this article, for two primary reasons. 

First, it contrasts Trump's accomplishments in the Mideast with the escalating chance of all-out war in the region, due in large part to bumbling Biden's disastrous handling of the volatile situation.

Second, it comes on the heels of three brave members of America's Armed Services being killed by Iran-backed proxies, as Biden continues to hem and haw, and as of the publication of this article, to do zero of substance in response.


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