Alan Dershowitz Blisters Harvard President, 'Orwellian Groupthink' DEI — But Will the Reckoning Continue?

AP Photo/Richard Drew, File

Former Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz called on Harvard President Claudine Gay to resign, on Saturday, following Gay's refusal before a congressional committee to denounce antisemitism on her campus, and failure to discipline demonstrators who chanted for the mass murder of Jews.


Additionally, Dershowitz went scorched earth on DEI — Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion — demanding that the "Orwellian groupthink" movement be dismantled, discredited, and "utterly destroyed."

In addition to Gay, University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) President Sally Kornbluth rounded out the trifecta of elitist antisemites who made bigoted jacka**es out of themselves before the House committee.

Dershowitz pulled no punches in his denunciation of the three university presidents. He wrote in an op-ed for the Daily

University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill has resigned because she articulated and enforced a double standard of free speech to the detriment of Jewish students. Harvard's President Claudine Gay should be next to go. Then, we're looking at you, Massachusetts Institute of Technology President Sally Kornbluth.

'See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.' How better to describe these university presidents?

These university leaders failed a basic test of moral clarity when they couldn't bring themselves to uphold the same standard for Jewish students that they would for any other group on campus.

Am I - someone who first began teaching at Harvard 60 years ago - ashamed of the institution? Yes. Am I surprised by this outrage? No, not in the least.


Nor should any principled person who possesses a modicum of moral clarity. 

"Magill, Gay, and Kornbluth are not leaders in education," Dershowitz wrote, correctly observing: "They are politicians. Even when they talk the talk, they rarely walk the walk." To be fair, talking the talk and not walking the walk is an unfortunate characteristic of all liberals. Simply, it seems to be part of their DNA.

Not Harvard's First Antisemitic Rodeo

Dershowitz said he'd be happy to testify before the U.S. Department of Education about Harvard's antisemitic history — although the department itself is hardly a hotbed of support for Israel.

Even before Tuesday's hearing, the U.S. Department of Education launched an investigation into Harvard for allegedly failing to adequately respond to antisemitic harassment on campus. I would happily offer the agency my testimony as to the institution's sordid record of discrimination. But the truth is that no firings or federal probe, while necessary, will be sufficient to restore fairness at Harvard.

In Rabbi David Wolpe's resignation from the university's Antisemitism Advisory Group on Thursday he wrote, 'the system at Harvard along with the ideology that grips far too many of the students and faculty, the ideology that works only along axes of oppression and places Jews as oppressors and therefore intrinsically evil, is itself evil.'

Rabbi Wolpe is correct.


Then the renowned legal scholar really went off — attributing the "evil ideology" of leftists like Liz Magill, Claudine Gay, and Sally Kornbluth to so-called DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), which has metastasized throughout the country like a twisted psychological disorder.

In the aftermath of the appalling murder of George Floyd, Harvard, and so many American institutions, rushed to reckon with their histories. Hundreds of millions of dollars were spent hiring hard-left, woke, progressive bureaucrats steeped in the culture of identity politics. 

Some universities mandated that professors take loyalty oaths to D.E.I., attend compulsory sensitivity sessions and actively censor opposing points of view. We now see that the result was nothing short of Orwellian.

As for 'diversity,' there is little tolerance for speech that is critical of D.E.I., a sure sign of its intellectual weakness.

'Equity,' as it turns out, is the opposite of equality, despite it being a similar-sounding word. For while equality demands individuals be judged on their merit, 'equity' only favors those that belong to select identity groups.

And perhaps most hypocritical and dangerous of all – this ideology of 'inclusion,' as Rabbi Wolpe observes, excludes Jews.

Never forget that Harvard admittedly failed to explicitly condemn Hamas or quickly denounce a student group letter that held Israel, 'entirely responsible' for the October 7th terrorist massacre.


"This is the D.E.I. worldview," Dershowitz observed. "Today it looks down on Jews."

And then he asked the most ominous question of his op-ed: "Who will be next?"

And there will be a "next" — and then another "next" and another "next," and on and on... until DEI is finally thrown on the trash heap of history, where it belongs, as Ronald Reagan might have said. 

Related on RedState:

Harvard President, Under Intense Pressure to Resign, Now Says Threats to Jewish Students Are 'Vile

Dershowitz Rips Obama's 'Deep Hatred of Israel,' Vows Relationship With Former President Is 'Over'

WATCH: Here Comes the Groveling Apology Video From Penn President Liz Magill

MO Sen. Schmitt Introduces Bill to Eliminate DEI Offices From Government Depts., Agencies


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