Caitlyn Nails It: Jenner Explains the Left's Ultimate Goal in Its Support of 'Radical Gender Ideology'

(Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP, file)

When 1976 Olympic gold medal decathlete Bruce Jenner announced in 2015 that “he” was now a “she” and would henceforth be named Caitlyn Jenner, tens of millions of Americans were aghast. Now, just eight years later, Jenner has become the voice of reason in the otherwise radical transgender movement.


Jenner’s recently-launched Fairness First PAC describes itself thusly:

We are a movement, non-partisan in nature, with the intention of empowering parental rights, especially in light of radical gender ideology infiltrating our children in public school — especially in sports and the classroom.

We value protecting young children, and the parental rights associated with having your young child go through the indoctrinating instruction in school, and unfair advantages of biological boys competing against girls in sports.

As we reported in mid-March, Jenner is among those opposed to so-called “biological” males — males are males — kicking the hell out females in women’s sports, most notably, swimmer “Lia” Thomas.

In response to an article in PinkNews, which blasted Jenner’s “disgraceful attack” on trans athletes, the former Olympian was masterful:

No, I just had the balls to stand up for women and girls in sports.

Should we remind PinkNews that Jenner set a decathlon world record as a man — not a man pretending to be a woman?

In a recent interview with Breitbart News, Jenner explained how the Fairness First PAC will “fight the radical gender ideology, put parental rights at the forefront of education, and keep boys out of women’s sports” (emphasis, mine).


First of all, state laws need to ultimately govern their schools at a state level. They need to provide state-level guidance to their local school boards, from a legislative perspective, to governing who can compete in what leagues. Our advocacy is to align athletes with sports that are at a chromosomal or DNA level — not birth certificate. 

The ultimate belief of Fairness First is that radical gender ideology infiltrating the classrooms, which has been extremely visible in sports, is an effort to break down the family unit. The family unit is under assault and looking to be replaced by teachers — and we see this with laws like the recent ‘California secrecy’ law.

And there it is.

While there are untold numbers of dedicated teachers — dedicated to the traditional role of the teaching profession — throughout America, we’ve all seen in TikTok videos (or wherever) of radical teachers bragging about their commitment to the indoctrination of young children with radical left-wing nonsense; everywhere from Marxist-derived Critical Race Theory to transgenderism, gender fluidity, and ridiculous “pronoun self-identification.”

Even worse, from the radical classroom to the radical school boards to the radical teachers unions, these lunatics often argue that parents have no right to know what teachers are “teaching” their kids — or even the results of their twisted efforts to coax confused children to change their gender identity without the knowledge of their parents. This is madness, and it must be stopped.


Jenner told Breitbart she’s all-in with the new PAC:

Fortunately, our exposure with having me as a spokesperson and founding member but [also] being a Fox News contributor, has led elected officials from school boards, the state level, and the federal level, to work on policy issues and advocate for our recommendations.

We will work on this from a policy standpoint but advocate for these issues resulting in supporting candidates from the top of the ballot to the bottom. Additionally, we have events and grassroots partnerships in the works to show up to school board meetings, state capitols to testify, LGBT people to testify in congress, [sic] to stop the radical rainbow mafia.

In the end, said Jenner, the whole thing boils down to the rights of parents:

I think this actually comes down to parental rights. Big government left-wing liberals are all about destroying the family unit, at any cost. That means government gets to take the place of the parents and the families.

Trans is not made up or fake, but it is oversaturated due to indoctrination and is the latest way the left is destroying the family unit — growing government, the indoctrination in the classroom, and the subsequent drastic increase in children being transitioned is a huge problem.

We won’t see the true impact for years to come — but these are serious irreversible decisions and are maliciously being used by government to grow government under the guise of protecting children. That’s why Fairness First is all about parental rights!


Think what you will, but from Bruce to Caitlyn, Jenner has been courageous for decades in both conviction and action. While our friends on the left might think it ironic that Caitlyn Jenner is strongly opposed to trans athletes competing against opponents of the opposite “birth” sex, I’d argue precisely the opposite, as I suggested earlier:

When Jenner kicked ass in the 1976 Olympic Decathlon, he kicked it as a man against men, not against women half his size.

Lia Thomas was unavailable for comment.

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