No-Nonsense California GOP Mayor Eliminates Homelessness in His City With Simple, Logical Approach

(AP Photo/Lenny Ignelzi, File)

Coronado, California, located across the Big Bay from San Diego, is known for its beautiful beaches. But most of all, the city of 20,000 is best known for the Victorian Hotel del Coronado, which opened in 1888.


While California cities have battled homelessness for years despite throwing billions of taxpayer dollars at the ever-worsening crisis, Coronado has defied the odds. As reported by Fox News, Coronado not only enjoys a vagrancy rate of zero; but also has the lowest homeless population in the state — due in large part to the policies of Republican Mayor Richard Bailey.

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass and San Francisco Mayor London Breed were unavailable for comment.

As I said in the headline, Bailey is a no-nonsense guy, with a no-encampment policy and adherence to the law. The mayor told “Fox and Friends First” his approach is at odds with regional and statewide policies:

The policies that are in place at the regional and statewide level that are tolerating this type of behavior that is personally destructive and also destructive to the surrounding communities are really enabling this situation to increase throughout our entire state, and throughout our entire region. Changing these policies will actually have a major impact.

And therein lies the key, which is ignored by Democrat-run cities throughout the no-longer-Golden State, and the rest of the country. The best part (or worst, depending on one’s predisposed political views) doesn’t take a proverbial rocket scientist to understand. Check it out, as Bailey explained to Fox News.

We also make it very clear that we don’t tolerate encampments along our sidewalks, and we don’t tolerate other code violations such as being drunk in public or urinating in public, or defecating in public. We just simply don’t tolerate these basic code violations. What ends up happening is an individual either chooses to get help or they end up leaving.


Stop the tape. How dare evil Republican Mayor Bailey be so cruel (and “racist”)?

The brutality of prohibiting public drunkenness, urinating, and defecating, is inhumane enough, but prohibiting encampments on city sidewalks in front of businesses? Oh, the humanity! What’s next? Banning people from walking out of stores with carts full of stolen groceries — and whatever else?

And here’s the best part from Mayor Bailey; again, with simple logic (emphasis, mine):

The fact of the matter is there, although there are a myriad of reasons that people end up homeless, they eventually only fall into two camps — those that want help and those that do not want help.

And those that are refusing to get help shouldn’t be granted [the] additional ability to break laws.

And there it is. Those who want help and those who don’t. And the insane approach of Democrat-run cities? As I said at the top, throw billions of taxpayer dollars (wealth redistribution) and those who don’t want help, which not only perpetuates spiraling homelessness worse; it encourages it. 

In the best recent example of Democrat insanity, as I reported on Wednesday, Oregon Democrats in February confirmed every point Mayor Bailey made to Fox.

Oregon Democrat state lawmakers introduced legislation that would establish a People’s Housing Assistance Fund Demonstration Program to give monthly, thousand-dollar handouts to people who “are experiencing homelessness, are at risk of homelessness, are severely rent burdened or earn at or below 60 percent of area median income.” The “best” part?  The “free” (taxpayer money) can be used for any “goods or services of the participant’s choosing.”


Back to our proverbial rocket scientist for a minute. If I’m a homeless addict or alcoholic living on the streets in Portland, guess what I’m going to spend my handouts on? And If I’m a homeless person with the same self-inflicted maladies in Seattle, and I get wind of the newly available handouts in Oregon, guess where I’m going to move?

The worst part of all?

Democrat mayors and city governments won’t give Coronado Mayor Bill Bailey’s policies a second thought for one simple, four-word reason: They don’t want to.


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