WATCH: Crack Crime-Stopper Lori Lightfoot Offers 'Concrete Solution' to End Crime in Chicago

AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh

Embattled Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, like Joe Biden, has never met a buck she couldn’t pass at the bat of the eye. As the Windy City’s violent crime wave continues to rage, Lightfoot has blamed everyone and everything else but herself for her city’s blood-stained streets and other violent “gun-related” crimes.


The worse the crime, the more ridiculous the worse-than-worthless mayor’s buck-passing.

Welp, Chicagoans, your crack crime-stopping mayor’s got your back. Wanna avoid being robbed at gunpoint? Easy peasy! Stop carrying cash. You’re welcome. Last one out the door, turn off the lights.

Let’s listen in on the mayor, shall we?

We heard a lot of rhetoric, here, but not a lot of concrete solutions on how to get the job done — and make our residents and our workers safe. We’re doing it every day.

Stop the tape. Yeah, no. Of course you’re doing nothing of the kind, mayor — statistics matter.

And not to nitpick, but isn’t that exactly your job, Mayor Lightfoot? You’ve been mayor of the once proud city of Chicago for nearly three years and your violent crime rate has continued to skyrocket. What solutions have you come up with? Other than continuing to beg for the federal government for more and more taxpayer money and assistance, I mean.

You do remember, Mayor,  how you pledged (amid the violent anti-police riots in 2020, no less) to cut $80 million from Chicago’s police budget, right? And now, you’re publicly pleading with federal law enforcement agents to help you do your job of cracking down on violent crime, after doing zero for three years to crack down at all? Gall, Mayor Lightfoot, gall.


Let’s continue, with Lightfoot continuing to talk about all the fine work she’s presently doing:

We’ve been doing it. We’ve … been talking to street vendors, understanding what the nature of the crime is, [and] making sure that we’re doing the right things in concert with them — to help them make sure their money is secure, not use money, if at all possible, use other forms of transactions to take care of themselves.

I had to read that twice the first time, just to make sure I read it right. Insanity personified.

Let’s do a logical extension of Lightfoot’s illogical “solution.”

Call the mayor’s “concrete solution” whatever you want, from naive to breathtakingly stupid to a clear effort to avoid the real issue by applying a Band-Aid to a mortal gunshot wound — literally in some cases.

Meanwhile, Lightfoot might as well install revolving doors on all Cook County (Chicago) jail cells and speaking of cash, totally eliminate cash bonds for repeat violent offenders. And of course, we mustn’t expect Ms. Lightfoot to crack down on the real systemic issues on Chicago’s bloody Southside and elsewhere.


Lightfoot expounded on her plea for federal government intervention to assist in cracking down on crime. Here’s more, via Nashville’s Fox News affiliate:

During the briefing, Lightfoot said she formally asked U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland to deploy agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to help her city crack down on illegal guns over the next six months.

“We cannot continue to endure the level of violence that we are now experiencing,” Lightfoot added. “I feel the urgency every day.”

Even though Chicago is still far away from its 1970 record of 964 killings, the city is currently the deadliest in the nation, according to The New York Post. Additionally, at least a dozen cities have seen more murders this year than ever before, The Post added.

In her news briefing, Lightfoot also requested more federal marshals to help local law enforcement find and arrest “thousands” of wanted individuals who are still on the streets.

Memo to the mayor: If you don’t want unsavory characters and worse on Chicago streets, stop sending repeat offenders back to the street. Just a thought.

The Bottom Line

The dirty little, non-secret secret here is that Lightfoot — like Democrat mayors in other Democrat-run, crime-infested cities — can’t go bottom line with the hard facts behind her city’s runaway crime rate, because telling the truth to people vs. telling them what they want to hear might hasten her “retirement.”



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