Move Over RINOs, Now PINOs Are a Thing and 'Real Democrats' Aren't Happy at All

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

Within the Republican Party, there is no more feared creature than the dreaded RINO — Republican in name only — which I still get a kick out of when neophytes on social media use the term “Rhinos.”


Incidentally, over the last five-six years, anyone in the Republican Party who didn’t walk lockstep with a certain political figure was immediately labeled a “RINO” for failing to do so, which I found amusing due to the fact that that political figure hardly fit(s) the lockstep definition of a conservative when analyzing his policy beliefs.

Now the same dynamic is happening within the fractured Democrat Party.

As reported by The Hill on Thursday, a “progressive” — another interesting misnomer but that’s another topic for another time — grassroots organization called Roots Action has created the label “progressive in name only” or “PINO” for six members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus with whom the organization is not at all happy. Again, the lockstep thing to which I previously referred.

The group’s recent “report” on the horrible [sarc] “PINOs,” whom they accuse of voting more like “corporate centrists” and as a result are in calling for “good progressives” to primary them.


Those six Congressional Democrats are:

Madeleine Dean (Pa. — 4th District)

Donald Norcross (N.J. — 1st District)

Jimmy Panetta (Calif. — 20th District)

Joe Morrelle (N.Y. — 25th District)

Lisa Blunt Rochester (Del. — At-Large)

Brenda Lawrence (Mich. — 14th District

The Hill reached out to the six “winners” [sarc] but only Norcross had responded as of publishing time. As The Hill noted, the group accused the six lawmakers of often acting “more like corporate centrists” on issues like “Medicare for All and the Green New Deal, cutting military spending, [and] robust civil liberties.”

In addition to the six, there’s an “On the Bubble” group, consisting of Steven Horford of Nevada, Darren Soto of Florida, and Andy Kim of New Jersey. And last but not least, three “Dishonorable Mention” qualifiers: Sylvia Garcia of Texas, Dwight Evans of Pennsylvania, and Lucille Roybal-Allard of California.

Norcross responded to the report on Thursday, as transcribed by The Hill, defending his “progressive” credentials, every step of the way.


As a life-long union member, I wake up every day fighting for working families. I was elected by members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus as vice-chair of labor.

And I proudly support the American Rescue Plan and the Build Back Better Act, which is the largest expansion of health care in over a decade and makes child care affordable for working families nationwide.

Additionally, I support expansion of clean energy programs that create green jobs with strong labor protections. I was among the first supporters of increasing the federal minimum wage. If that’s not progressive, I don’t know what is.

Poor dude, you almost gotta feel sorry for him.

Nah, never mind.

“Going forward,” the group asked — then answered — in its report, “How can the [Congressional Progressive] caucus solidify and focus its power to advance transformative and urgently needed policies like universal healthcare, a Green New Deal, a truly livable minimum wage, a wealth tax, and a sensible downsizing of America’s runaway militarism?”

For starters, the caucus could ensure that its members are committed to the CPC’s agenda. The caucus says it “strongly supports a Green New Deal to take immediate, necessary steps to protect current and future generations from the deadly impact of climate change” — so shouldn’t its members support this fundamental change?

The caucus adds, “we’re fighting to pass the Medicare for All Act to guarantee health care to all people living in the United States”—so, shouldn’t caucus members join this urgent fight?


And the “progressive” list goes on.

Then again, it always will.

Like a spoiled kid who keeps asking for another cookie as soon as he finishes the one you just gave him.

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