Antony Blinken Says US Companies Don't Have 'Good Faith' Reasons to Condemn Communist China

(AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)

In yet another “There you go again” moment, Joe Biden’s feckless Secretary of State Antony Blinken now claims there are “good faith” reasons for U.S. businesses not to condemn communist China.


Hong Kong and Taiwan were unavailable for comment.

Before we get to Mr. Blinken and his issues, let’s first back up the bus and see if we can figure out the Democrat Party’s schoolgirl crush on a brutal communist dictatorship, with a stated goal of world domination, that continually demonstrates it will achieve that goal by any means necessary.

Examples abound, from Biden during a 2019 campaign stop mockingly saying, “China’s is going to eat our lunch?” — an observation he later downplayed and tried to walk back, to Nike and the NBA turning a blind eye to the Communists’ crackdown on Hong Kong, Uyghur genocide in Xinjiang, continuing threats against Taiwan, and, worst of all, the Democrat Party and its sock-puppet media doing their damnedest to run interference for China, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Anthony Fauci, and everything else that suggests COVID-19 did originate in Wuhan and Fauci did authorize gain-of-function research at the lab.

Again, the question: WHY? Why does the Democrat Party incessantly carry China’s water, all the while remaining fixated on evil “Russia, Russia, Russia!” and all things “Russophile” Donald Trump?


Perhaps it’s because Biden, Pelosi, Schumer & Co. are more concerned with destroying America as we know it than with a communist dictatorship that steals American technology, more than likely released a virus that has killed more than 5 million people worldwide, and does indeed want to “eat our lunch.” That, and figuring that China can help them destroy America much more effectively than can Putin’s Russia.

Anyway, so during an interview with The New York Times columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin on Wednesday, Blinken said — with a straight face, mind you — that there are “good faith” reasons for American businesses not to criticize or distrust China or Chinese companies.

Blinken was presented with a premise — a correct one — then asked to comment on it.

“A number of U.S. business leaders over the past year or two have come out quite publicly, making pronouncements about politics, or frankly, moral issues in the United States.  And they have often been described by some in political quarters as ‘hypocrites,’ because they will speak in the United States — but they won’t speak out when they do business in China.”

Then the money shot:

“What do you think of that, and do you think that they have an obligation to speak out in a place like China?”


Blinken came across as uncomfortable, right out of the box:

“Look, I’ll let businesses decide for themselves how they want to approach these issues. They’re incredibly complicated. There are, I think, good-faith arguments in various directions.

“What I’m hearing again from company after company in the United States and around the world is a clear focus on making sure […] that they’re not engaged in businesses with entities or countries that are producing things based on forced labor.

“So that’s one thing I think that’s very, very important.

Nike was unavailable for comment. Apple said they’d get back to us after lunch [sarc].

Blinken added:

“But look, companies have to make these decisions. They also are hearing from shareholders. They’re hearing from their own employees. All of those things are factored into the decisions they make.”

Sure they are, Mr. Blinken, sure they are.

Is that why the NBA continues to bow to Beijing, the latest example involving Boston Celtics center Enes Kanter, who posted a video on social media calling Chinese President Xi Jinping a “brutal dictator” over China’s treatment of Tibet. “My message to the Chinese government is ‘Free Tibet,'” Kanter said. “Under the Chinese government’s brutal rule, Tibetan people’s basic rights and freedoms are non-existent.”


And those stockholders, Mr. Blinken? The ones American companies “hear from”?

China accounted for at least 10 percent of the NBA’s revenue of roughly $8 billion in 2019, one analyst told CNN Business. Moreover, China is expected to contribute even more over the next decade, perhaps reaching 20% of the league’s revenue by 2030, said the analyst.

The list is long. We could do Nike next, but we’re approaching the end of the article.

Incidentally, as reported by Reuters on Friday, China has been pushing U.S. executives, companies, and business groups in recent weeks to fight against China-related bills in Congress, according to four sources familiar with the initiative. Letters from China’s embassy in D.C. have called on business executives to push lawmakers to change or drop various pieces of legislation aimed at bolstering American competitiveness, Reuters reported, citing the text of a letter it had viewed, as well as the unnamed sources.


Antony Blinken was unavailable to make any “good faith” comments on the report.

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