MSNBC Hack Minimizes Number of US Military Deaths in Kabul Attack With Politically Expedient Comparison

AP Photo/Wali Sabawoon

It’s almost like the left-wing political hacks of CNN, MSNBC, and other liberal lapdog media try to make fools out of themselves on a daily basis, particularly when tragic news breaks; the more tragic, the better.


Perfect case in point:

MSNBC host Chris Hayes was not only quick to minimize the number of U.S. servicemen killed in coordinated terrorist attacks in Kabul on Thursday — the number currently stands 13 — he used a politically expedient comparison in a blatant effort to kill two birds with one stone.

Excruciatingly condescending Chris Hayes being excruciatingly condescending Chris Hayes, he fired off two flippant tweets in an effort to downplay the servicemen’s deaths; which he no doubt thought were clever.

First up, the shot:

“Again, probably A THOUSAND people are going to die today from Covid.”

On how many levels was that despicable, disrespectful, and inexcusable?

Ah, but then the chaser — 32 minutes later:

“That was an underestimate, unfortunately.”

See what he did there? And in typical Chris Hayes style, his dismissal of the deaths of brave Americans, principally for the purpose of making what amounted to a snippy little COVID PSA.

The second purpose, of course, was to attempt to prob up Joe Biden. You know, exactly what he would’ve done if Donald Trump was still in the White House. (Ahem.)


Hayes was promptly torched on social media for various reasons, all of which were valid.

First up, the hypocrisy:

“I’m sure you’d have tweeted this if there was a school shooting, Chris.”

Can you imagine gun-grabber Chris Hayes throwing a mass shooting under the bus — for any reason?

Yeah, I can see it now. “Hey — it was only 13 people! And the AR-15? No big deal! Just think of how many people died today from COVID, today — and COVID is a hell of a lot more deadly than a little old AR-15!”

“Tom” tossed a bit of perspective into the mix — and a slam.

Chris –

The 1,000 people who died from Covid today:

1) Did not die in a sudden, violent, unexpected manner

2) Did not have their remains splattered all over bystanders

3) Can have an open casket funeral for their loved ones

Find some perspective
Borrow it if you need to

“Find some perspective. Borrow it if you need to.” Of course, he’d “need to” — as would all of MSNBC.


Finally. DC Examiner’s Jerry Dunleavy simply went bottom line.

And suck, it did. Speaking of which, another high-profile “Despicable Me” on Thursday — in her lack of response to the terrorist attacks — was our intrepid Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. As I reported earlier, Pelosi despicably ignored the attacks in her first tweets after the news broke, choosing instead to celebrate — wait for it — “Womens’ Equity Day.”

“Today, and every day, let us summon the suffragists’ spirit of hope and strive to lift up the voices of women across the nation – because we know this truth: when women succeed, America succeeds.”

Tone-deaf much, Nancy?

But Pelosi wasn’t done.

As my colleague Nick Arama reported, the “tone-deaf” Speaker later spoke in public — and as the Republican National Committee observed, “joked around for six minutes while completely ignoring” the dead U.S. servicemen.


And as RedState’s Brandon Morse reported, Pelosi and House Democrats “left town” after only hanging around long enough to work on Pelosi’s multi-trillion-dollar fantasy domestic agenda.

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