'The Squad': Unavailable for Comment

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Ilhan Omar. Ayanna Pressley. Rashida Tlaib. Cori Bush. “The Squad.”

As has been the case with “The Squad’s” crickets response over hundreds, if not thousands, of COVID-positive illegal aliens continuing to stream across the southern border — only to be clandestinely shipped around the country — all the while railing against Donald Trump’s handling of the pandemic, those who oppose mask mandates, and conservatives in general, they are crickets. Now.


Where is this bastion of women’s rights? The rights of children? Where are these extraordinary hypocrites, as image after image of gravely injured women and children, every one of them attacked by the most brutal terrorist organization on the planet — an Islamist extremist terrorist organization, at that? Where is their outrage? Where is their collective voice?

Where are the very same “moralists” who were outraged over potential harm to Palestinian women and children as a result of Israel defending itself from indiscriminate rocket fire from another Islamist terrorist group, Hamas? Where is their cry for “justice,” this time?

They are obscenely crickets. Again. “The Squad” has been silent — in its deafening hypocrisy.

You ‘spose AOC, Omar, Pressley, Tlaib, and Bush have seen these images?

*GRAPHIC WARNING* Taliban fighters use gunfire, whips, sticks, and sharp objects to maintain crowd control over thousands of Afghans who continue to wait for a way out, on airport road. At least half [a] dozen were wounded while I was there, including a woman and her child.

Count on it.


Alabama Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville also wonders why “The Squad” has disappeared.

During a Tuesday radio interview, as reported by Fox News, Tuberville expressed his disgust at the grandstanding — when they have a cause to push — attention cravers, and their silence, now.

“I have not heard one word from all of these women in ‘The Squad’ in Congress saying anything about protecting the women of Afghanistan. You know, they’re closed-mouthed right now. It doesn’t fill their narrative. People ought to be sick of this. They really should be. But we’ll work through this.”

“Sick of this”? For sure. Blatant, inexcusable hypocrisy? Yep, and then some.

Tuberville’s comments were part of a larger discussion about Biden’s inexcusable catastrophic handling of Afghanistan after the Taliban took over all major cities and the presidential palace, in a matter of days.

The Women

Tuberville talked about the horror that will likely once again be visited on the women of Afghanistan — after enjoying a taste of “equal rights” while American forces were in control — and the Taliban wasn’t. Those days are now over.


“You know who is really in danger right now is women. Women in Afghanistan for the first time ever have been able to go to school, do things that, you know, a normal human being gets to do.

“In Afghanistan, women don’t get that opportunity, but they have been given that opportunity with our being in that country and starting schools, and all of that. Now that has all gone south.”

AOC did take time out from her never-ending Instagram engagements with her fan club and lecturing Congressional Republicans to make an obligatory statement on Monday, via Twitter.

“We have a moral obligation to the Afghan people. The U.S. role in this crisis is indisputable. We must waste no time or expense in helping refugees safely & swiftly leave Afghanistan. We must immediately welcome them to the U.S. & provide real support as they rebuild their lives.”

You forgot someone, AOC.

Question, erstwhile bartender:

Do we also have a “moral obligation” to speak out against the brutal practice of the Taliban — now back with a vengeance — who have a proclivity to burn women alive and “marry” 12-year-olds girls? Asking for “a few friends” — the terrified women and girls of Afghanistan.


Reps. Ocasio-Cortez, Bush, Omar, Pressley, and Tlaib “did not immediately respond” to Fox News’s request for comment on Tuberville’s remarks, Tuesday — which means every one of them ignored the request. Damn, I wonder if they would have responded if Donald Trump were still president? [ROFL emoji]

Speaking of Trump, during an appearance on “Hannity” on Tuesday, the former president told his pal that Biden’s disaster in Afghanistan is not only a military defeat — it’s a psychological defeat, as well.

“It is a terrible time for our country. I don’t think in all of the years our country has ever been so humiliated. I don’t know what you call it – a military defeat or a psychological defeat, there has never been anything like what’s happened here: You can go back to Jimmy Carter with the hostages.”

Amen, Donald.

Oh — and speaking of Jimmy Carter, I envision Jimmy and Rossalyn sitting on their couch in Plains, Georgia, and the 96-year-old president turning to the 94-year-old former First Lady, with a grin on his face, and saying:

“Honey, we lived long enough to finally be able to say, ‘Thank the Lord! There’s a new number one!'”

If it actually happened, the peanut farmer was right.


Here are a few of our recent articles on the Biden tragedy in Afghanistan.

State Department Makes Incredibly Disturbing Announcement About Those Trapped in Afghanistan

Here’s How That Biden Admin/United Nations Demand for the Taliban to Respect Women’s Rights Is Going

Dem Explodes on Biden for Monstrous Lie He Told in Afghanistan Speech: ‘Utter B.S.’

The Taliban’s Lightning Victory Should Teach Joe Biden Something About the Second Amendment


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