Trolling in Texas? 'Biden Bus Tour' Can't Escape 'Trump Train' of Fired up Trump Supporters!

AP Photo/Michael Perez

It sounded like a great idea to Team Joe. Do a Biden bus tour across Texas to demonstrate the level of excitement for the Democrat nominee in the Lone Star State. Just one problem. The farther the Biden bus went, the longer the line of Trump cars trailing right behind it.


As reported by the CBS affiliate in Austin, the 3-day “Soul of the Nation” began on Wednesday, with planned stops in Amarillo, Lubbock, Abilene, Fort Worth, Dallas, Houston, and elsewhere across the state. According to the Biden campaign, the tour was scheduled to include appearances by members of the Texas congressional delegation, elected officials, Democratic candidates, and other “special guests.”

It’s safe to assume that one of those “special guests” will not be the Democrat presidential nominee, himself, given that Biden is most likely holed up in his basement, as we speak, for fear of being asked questions about the ongoing Ukraine-China email scandal surrounding him and his gadfly son, Hunter.

While the bus tour idea looked good on paper to Team Joe, things began to turn out not quite like they had expected — with an ever-growing “Trump Train” following the bus everywhere it went. By the time the caravan got to Missouri City, Texas, it was par-tay time for the Trumpers.

In Fort Worth, “yuuge” Trump supporter Kambree tweeted that even more Trump supporters were awaiting the Biden bus in Dallas.


At one point the Biden bus ran a red light to try to escape the Trump cars — including a pro-Trump hearse, emblazoned with “Collecting Democrat Votes One Dead Stiff at a Time.”

As the bus approached Dallas, there were reportedly 100 or more Trump cars in hot pursuit.


“The Biden-Harris bus tour ended the day Wednesday in Dallas, and was followed by a Trump Train of supporters shouting “Four More Years,” as this Trump supporter tweeted.

At a stop in Houston, the pro-Trump hearse busted out a casket.

Kambree also tweeted a close-up image of the hearse, on which was also emblazoned:

  • “Vote Like Your Life Depends On It”
  • “Collecting Democrat votes one dead stiff at a time”
  • “Dig ’em Deeper, Bury ’em Cheaper Funeral Parlor”
  • “Clinton Foundation Suicide Limo Service – 1-800-HANG-URSELF” “Official Democrat Cemetery Vote Collector”

Say what you want, but nobody trolls like a fired-up bunch of Trump supporters.


What would a pro-Trumper trolling effort be without a Trump tank to greet the Biden bus?

As reported by The Shorthorn, Tarrant County Democrat Commissioner Roy Charles Brooks encouraged Biden fans not to be discouraged by the enthusiastic Trump supporters.

“This is our time. We are gonna take care of our business, and when we take care of our business there will be a new occupant of the people’s White House.”

Yeah, well, by the looks of it, Trump supporters in the Great State of Texas aim to do their darnedest to keep that from happening. Meanwhile, where’s Waldo Joe?


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