Rep. Kevin Kiley Rips LA Mayor Bass for Her Request for Federal Assistance to House Illegal Immigrants

Kevin Kiley appears at House Judiciary Committee hearing 6-21-23 (Credit: ABC News)

In a recent November post on X, Congressman Kevin Kiley (R-CA) ripped the Mayor of Los Angeles, Karen Bass, for her $5 billion request from the federal government in order to help her and the city of LA deal with the massive flow of illegal immigrants into the city. Kiley noted that she, along with all the other liberal city mayors, passed so-called "sanctuary city" laws that essentially made their cities a safe haven for illegal immigrants to shield them from federal immigration authorities like Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).  


The city of Los Angeles, which currently has roughly 3.8 million residents, officially became a "sanctuary city" in June of 2023 when the city council passed a motion brought forward by Councilmembers Eunisses Hernandez, Nithya Raman, and Hugo Soto-Martinez. It directed the city to draft an ordinance that would prohibit any city resources or departments from enforcing federal immigration laws. It was a symbolic gesture in nature due to California having become a sanctuary state back in 2017 when then-Governor Jerry Brown signed SB54 into law. What SB54 did was codify into law forbidding any state or local law enforcement agency to be used as an asset for ICE or any other federal agency that enforces immigration laws. It also forbade any law enforcement officer or agency from asking about an individual's immigration status in the course of their duties. Even worse, it forbade any officer or agency from holding a suspect they have in custody for committing a crime for ICE or any other agency. 


California and Los Angeles are not alone in adopting sanctuary status. Several states and cities across the country have similarly passed laws that either mirror California's laws or are similar in name and function. New York, Colorado, New Mexico, Massachusetts, and more all have these laws in place, and countless more cities in those states also have them. All of these states and cities are directly and blatantly violating the United States Constitution, as well as violating federal law. A little lesson on the Constitution for those liberal hive-mind cities and states: The Constitution strictly forbids a state or other municipality from violating federal laws that are within the scope of the Constitution, as articulated in Article VI of the Constitution, otherwise known as the Supremacy Clause. 

...This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution...


This means that Mayor Karen Bass and her liberal cohorts across the city, state of California, and these States United, are blatantly and proudly defying the Constitution and the laws pertaining therein, which is something that their oaths of office strictly forbade. Why these politicians haven't been charged with violating the aforementioned oaths of office, dereliction of duty, or any other criminal charges is beyond me. But what Congressman Kiley points out in his letter is something that gets lost on the masses. What Bass and the left, in general, refuse to admit or even consider is that they have a direct hand in being responsible for the crisis we have been seeing on the Southern Border for some years now. People from across the globe have seen, heard, or have been told that there are places in America that will be safe havens for them and have made the trek based on that information. 

Millions of people have poured across our border without being caught; more have been caught and released. They are finding their way to places like Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York City, with the expectation that they will be hidden from federal authorities and financially taken care of. Illegal immigrants are committing crimes in these places, and they are shielded from federal authorities, so they are able to be released outright or sentenced to serve time in county jail or state prison, but the Feds never get told about them. 


There have been cases like the one in San Francisco, where an illegal immigrant shot and killed a woman named Kate Steinle. Steinle was shot and killed by Jose Ines Garcia-Zarate, who was in the country illegally from Mexico. The most glaring and egregious part of this case, though, was the fact that Zarate was deported not once, not twice, but FIVE separate times prior to this incident and was a seven-time convicted felon when he shot and killed her. But most importantly of all, ICE had filed a lawful and legal detainer request to the San Fransisco Sheriff's Office for Zarate after his last arrest before the incident, and ICE was DENIED.  A sanctuary law or policy was directly responsible for the murder of an American citizen, and she wasn't the first and won't be the last, either. 

Sanctuary cities and states like Los Angeles and California are reaping what they sowed. Congressman Kiley is absolutely correct in calling Mayor Bass out for her hypocrisy. Why should the federal government pay a dime to places that intentionally and proudly violate federal law? It makes zero sense to me, and it should make no sense to our loyal readers. They deserve everything that comes to them, and the voters who approved of, and still approve of, these laws and policies should be the ones to take the financial burden. States like Texas and Florida that bus or fly illegal immigrants to sanctuary states and cities need to keep doing that. These places asked for it, and now they whine and cry because they are overloaded. I say to Bass, my sympathies and the amount of care I have have runneth dry. Cope and seethe, Madam Mayor. Cope and seethe. 



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