Elon Musk Is All of Us: What Parents Everywhere Heard in the Jordan Peterson Interview

AP Photo/Kiichiro Sato, File

I am a mother whose oldest son turned 16 this past week. I’ve learned that parenthood can humble even the strongest of us, and if there is one thing we begin to recognize universally, it’s the sound of concern in another parent’s voice. 


For just a moment, on Monday, when the interview with Jordan Peterson went viral on X, Elon Musk was not the smartest man alive or a rich billionaire tech king; instead, he was just a parent like me. 

“I was tricked into this.”

In the clip, Elon noticeably talks at a more calculated and slower pace than Peterson. Musk opened up about the loss of his son due to puberty blockers and woke culture, something he felt manipulated into and likens to the experience of the death of a child. "My son Xavier is dead. Killed by the woke mind virus."

The pain in his voice was palpable. Peterson's talkative personality filled the gaps between Musk’s words, where emotions seemed incredibly raw. At some point, Peterson attempted to move on, but Musk blurted out– “So I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus after that.” He said those words with a determination to have them proclaimed. He vowed to take vengeance for the death of his son. 

As I listened to the interview Monday night in my home, much later than most others on X had seen it, I felt a common thread reach out between the tech guru and me. 

Elon Musk has to face the same pain and heartbreak that I face when I worry about the influences on my children and see the advances of the woke-left agenda in our schools and communities. I find it ironic that Musk and I have lived completely different lives, and our children have been raised in completely different environments, yet in this aspect, we are on the same playing field, and all seems universal.


Granted, my children don’t struggle with gender dysmorphia. I don’t pretend to understand exactly what he is going through. But I know what it’s like to have outside influences try with all their might to contaminate my child’s mind. It can bring out a fierceness in a person that they didn’t know they had. 

Musk has drifted to the Republican party because of something dear to Americans’ hearts: family. 

Musk recently condemned California’s new law that enabled schools to help children transition into identifying as another gender without notifying their parents, even hiding it from them. Musk vowed that he would move his companies out of Califonia and into Texas after this attack on parents and family was made. In light of this new interview with Peterson, we see how personal this subject really is to Musk. 

One thing we can learn from this interview is that success and fame do not guarantee that a person will be spared from the universal struggles that we all face as part of the human experience. Musk is just a parent worried about his kid, like me. 

But we also can see that the fight to preserve American families is greater now than ever. Musk has seen firsthand the viciousness of the woke mind virus. We must not be too passive to think that it is not a danger for us all. The attack on our schools is worse than we realize. But like Musk, many are experiencing a wake-up call. 


There is a new conservative movement on the rise because the extremism of the left is disgusting and horrifying to many parents. Musk is not the only one. When we cast our votes this November, though the names may say Trump or Harris, there is something greater at play. Family is on the ballot, and America must choose to protect it. 

Related: Awful: Musk Vows to 'Destroy the Woke Mind Virus' After Being 'Tricked' Into Allowing Son to Transition


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