With Clinton And The DNC Silent On Cops, Philadelphia Police Write Scathing Letter

As the Republican Nation Convention winds down and the Democratic National Convention gets ready to begin, Hillary Clinton received a huge smack in the face from Philadelphia police.


John McNesby, President of the Philadelphia chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police, penned a scathing letter to Clinton after noticing the DNC would be allowing speakers to talk about police violence, but there would not be anyone to speak for the other side, the police.

Here is what the letter said:

“President John McNesby and the membership of Philadelphia Lodge 5 FOP are shocked and saddened by the planned choice of speakers at the DNC in Philadelphia.

The Fraternal Order of Police is insulted, and will not soon forget, that the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton are excluding the widows, and other family members of Police Officers killed in the line of duty who were victims of explicit, and not implied racism, and ‘being on duty in blue.’

It is sad that to win an election Mrs. Clinton must pander to the interests of people who do not know all the facts, while the men and women they seek to destroy are outside protecting the political institutions of this country. Mrs.

Mrs. Clinton you should be ashamed of yourself if that is possible.”


After the letter was received by the Clinton campaign, they caved and decided to allow two police officers to speak at the convention. Charles Ramsey, former Philadelphia Police Commissioner, and Joe Sweeney, a New York Police Department officer who served during 9/11.

A Clinton campaign spokesperson also had this to say:

“As Hillary Clinton has said, we need to support heroic police officers who put their lives on the line every day as well as listen to the voices of mothers who have lost their children.

We look forward to highlighting the courageous efforts of law enforcement with speakers at our convention, including from Pennsylvania, and praising their work to keep our communities safe.”

It would be nice if Clinton and the Democrats stood with police by choice, and not just as they cave to political pressure.




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