WATCH: Disgusting Video Shows Los Angeles Mob Drag Driver From Crashed Car Before They Rob and Beat Him

(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong, file)

Primary elections in California are June 7, and one of the top issues on the mind of Californians is crime. Prop 47, deceptively titled the “Safe Neighborhood and Schools Act,” has been responsible for the plethora of shocking crime spree videos coming out of the Golden State. It has been wildly unpopular as crime, both petty and violent, has seen a sharp increase across the state, particularly over the last two years.


On top of the Prop 47 madness, law enforcement is still reeling from massive budget cuts due to the “Defund the Police” movement, and draconian COVID vaccination requirements have pushed even more officers out of the profession.

A walk in nearly any part of any major city in the state will bring one in contact with open-air drug markets, drug paraphernalia and human waste, and unconscious drug addicts laying anywhere from parks to curbs to the middle of the street. The people laying unconscious are the best case scenario. A powerful combination of meth and fentanyl have created violently ill drug addicts who sometimes attack residents or perform sexual acts in public. Many Californians have become almost numb to the sight of it all, it’s just that common. There is no help to call and no sanity among the political class to call upon.

In some parts of Los Angeles, it is hard to describe the situation on the ground as anything other than animalistic.

Street People of Los Angeles is a popular social media account that documents the current insanity of California’s streets, for all to see. On Tuesday, they shared another shocking video that perfectly illustrates the current depravity of the L.A. streets.


A driver in the area known as Skid Row somehow managed to crash the convertible he was driving. He was then immediately surrounded by bystanders, who reached out to help him and care for his wounds.

Just kidding.

They mobbed the driver, who then apparently attempted to speed away, unfortunately crashing into other vehicles and incapacitating his vehicle, at which point the mob looted the man’s car, then dragged him from the driver’s seat and beat him.

We don’t have much context for this video beyond that. Who knows why that man was there, if the car was his, or if he’d had previous incidents with the locals. Skid Row is an open-air drug market, where drug dealers and gangs roam freely. Perhaps there had been prior contact. We can’t know.

What we do know is that Democrat-led Los Angeles has become the worst kind of human zoo. The fact that someone was able to record this incident for so long, laughing while filming, with no security, law enforcement or even a single good Samaritan in sight…well, that should tell you something about the state of the state California.


Gavin Newsom and every last Democrat politician in the state owns this.



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