Scary: Biden's Supply Chain Shortage Hits the Baby Formula Market

Mark Duncan

Joe Biden’s supply chain shortage has hit in some odd places, but now the “odd” has become downright scary as American parents find themselves facing a shortage of baby formula.


Fox News reports that baby formula inventory was down a whopping 31 percent at the beginning of April. The scarcity is a combination of supply chain issues and recalls. In February, major formula producer Abbott Nutrition voluntarily recalled their Similac, Alimentum, and EleCare brands after reports of infants becoming ill from bacterial infections after drinking the formula. Two infants died. The company is still struggling to restore production rates to normal levels, and the store shelves seem to be reflecting that harsh reality.

The most affected area of the formula market seems to be the specialty formulas that many parents of infants with medical conditions must use sometimes, even in replacement of breast milk.

Reporting for The Deseret News, Bethany Mandel calls the issue a “five-alarm fire,” and says that recently one Brooklyn mother had to endure a frantic, frightening search for specialty formula for her infant, who suffers from an airway disorder.

She was in shock when she went to Target and found the formula shelves practically bare. The store didn’t have the nipple she needed, either.

“Neither did five other stores, or any online store except Amazon, which would take a week to arrive. We were lucky to finally find one last set in the grocery store,” she said.

She added, “Late one night, we ran out of his formula and went to the store only to find out that they had none of it left. When asking the manager when more would be coming, he had no idea. He said the suppliers have been unreliable. We ran around to two more stores before finding the formula we needed.”


Mandel spoke to several people with similar stories, including a man who had to FedEx his niece formula because she couldn’t find what she needed on Boston shelves, and a woman who did not want give her name because she felt forced to “hoard” what formulas she could find at big box stores like Costco.

Boston’s NPR affiliate spoke with one pediatrician who says he is fielding more and more calls from concerned parents about how they can find formula.

Dr. Jack Maypole, a pediatrician at Boston Medical Center, said during the peak of the recall in February and March, his office received dozens of inquiries a day regarding the shortage and where formula could be found, compared to just a few a week before the recall happened.

Maypole said during his career he has seen past shortages of baby supplies — from formula to diapers to medical equipment — but this shortage has been notably grim.

“It’s never been at the magnitude and the scale that we’re seeing right now,” Maypole said, adding that the shortage hits medically fragile children particularly hard.

“Those families can really be at sea and really, actually be somewhat desperate to reestablish nutritional support for them,” he said. “Those are the ones I worry about.”

Maypole tells parents not to dilute formula or use cow’s milk, but consult with their doctor if they need to find alternative methods of nutrition.


And that’s the truly scary part. In the United States of America, the wealthiest, most prosperous nation on earth, we can no longer count on walking into a store and finding the nutrition we need for our babies. Mandel is right, this is a five-alarm emergency, but the Biden administration continues to not just spin, but outright lie about the current state of our economy.


Check out this segment from St.Louis’ NewstalkSTL Radio (with RedState’s own Susie Moore) as a listener calls in to share how a relative recently encountered a woman who had to drive 78 miles to find the baby formula she needed for her child.

But hey, everyone, at least we don’t have those mean tweets anymore…am I right?


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