Florida County May Copy Texas Ban on Abortion After Baby's Heartbeat Detected

AP Photo/Steve Helber

A Florida county is exploring the possibility of protecting innocent babies by banning the mother’s ability to get an abortion after a heartbeat is detected, according to the Herald-Tribune.


The proposed pro-life bill in Manatee County is inspired by the recently passed Texas state law known as “The Heartbeat Act.” The potential local Florida law would be the first of its kind in the state, which outlaws abortion starting at 24-weeks during the mother’s pregnancy.

The local paper notes that, “Commissioner James Satcher made two proposals for local pro-life initiatives. One would seek to restrict abortions in Manatee County, while the second would create an incentive for women served through the county’s crisis pregnancy program to give birth.”

Satcher was granted permission to use resources to study what sort of impact this law could have, as well as whether or not it is actually legal under the state constitution.

To that extent, Satcher claims he has been in communication with members of the state legislature.

The Herald-Tribune also notes that he had complete backing from his colleagues:

County commissioners all expressed support for the initiative.

Likewise, the Herald-Tribune states that his fellow board members were unanimous in support for Satcher’s endeavor.

“I would give you two if I could,” Commissioner Vanessa Baugh said.

“I would support that as well,” Commissioner Kevin Van Ostenbridge added.

“I think that’s unanimous,” said Commissioner Reggie Bellamy.


If Manatee County were successful in its bid, some may categorize it as a “Sanctuary City for the Unborn.” This term has grown in popularity since a number of towns in counties across America have declared themselves “Sanctuaries” — stealing the term from leftist jurisdictions that protect illegal aliens — by banning abortion earlier than their state requires.

Many critics assert that such a bill would disadvantage underprivileged women who may not even be aware that they are pregnant until after a heartbeat is able to be detected. Pro-abortion advocates argue this would leave such women helpless.

But, Satcher’s second bill offers financial support and pregnancy care for those who need it through crisis pregnancy center resources.

“If you are in the position where you are seriously considering not having that baby, then we would have something that helps them,” Satcher stated.

For many, this story provides further proof — and optimism — that GOP politicians are leaning more into fighting the culture war while using the left’s tactics against them.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, and potential 2024 GOP hopeful, has yet to weigh in on this potential county bill. However, he recently re-emphasized his commitment to the pro-life cause in an interview with the Daily Caller. Furthermore, he even castigated fellow Republicans who are willing to forgo their pro-life principles.


“The people that aren’t supportive of the life cause, they’re not people you want to be in a foxhole with on any other political battle,” Gov. DeSantis said. “They are the first ones who will sell out to the DC establishment when the going gets tough.”



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