Paul Ryan Telling Allies He's Done

While the rumors have been persistent for a while now, a new report indicates that Paul Ryan is effectively getting his affairs in order by telling close allies that he’s not going to run for re-election.


Here’s the bulletin from Axios, laying it out:

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has told confidants that he will announce soon that he won’t run for reelection in November, according to sources with knowledge of the conversations.

Why it matters: House Republicans were already in very tough spot for midterms, with many endangered members and the good chance that Democrats will win the majority. Friends say that after Ryan passed tax reform, his longtime dream, he was ready to step out of a job that has become endlessly frustrating, in part because of President Trump.

It’s not a good sign for Republicans, who are expected to take a major hit in the House come the midterm elections. Ryan took control of the House in 2015, and prior to that was a vice presidential candidate for Mitt Romney.

Ryan has remained quiet publicly on whether or not he is running again, but the whispers and rumors have long indicated he is done with Washington D.C.


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