Senate Leadership Fund Targets A Conservative For Daring To Oppose Trump... MONTHS Ago

There’s a Senate primary race coming up in Alabama, and it’s getting ugly. Mo Brooks, a conservative representative and member of the House Freedom Caucus, is challenging Senator Luther Strange, and some GOP groups do not like that at all.


The Senate Leadership Fund has stepped in, releasing an ad targeting Brooks for committing the crime of speaking out against Trump… during the GOP primaries.

In a new ad, first reported by Politico’s Kevin Robillard, the Senate Leadership Fund attacks Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) for a 2016 attack on then-candidate Trump. “I don’t think you can trust Donald Trump with anything he says,” Brooks says in the spot. The congressman also appears in a triptych with Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.); “They all attacked Donald Trump, trying to stop him,” says a narrator.

All of the ad’s quotes come from an MSNBC interview conducted just days before the Super Tuesday primaries — when Trump solidly won Alabama. At the time, the segment made news because Brooks attacked Trump as an adulterer.

“I think what you’re going to see 12 to 18 months from now is a lot of people who have supported Donald Trump, they’re going to regret having done so, 12 to 18 months, but right now they’re enamored with the personality,” said Brooks. “They’re enamored with a projection of Donald Trump when they really should be looking at what he’s going to do if he becomes President of the United States.”

Brooks was also a vocal opponent of the House healthcare bill (he eventually voted for it, according to the article linked above, after being lobbied by Trump).


As of now, there is not much evidence to determine whether or not opposition to Trump by a Republican is good or bad in a race. Folks in the GOP elite circles seem to think that opposing Trump is going to be a killer for folks like Brooks, though, and so they’re going to run with it.

There is absolutely nothing that makes Brooks a bad candidate for the job, and it doesn’t look like the Democrats will be putting up any major fight in that race… so, why is the group getting involved? Because he’s a conservative. That’s the only reason they ever get involved in a primary. They have to defeat conservatives. It’s a compulsion.

Conservatism, once again, gets in the way of politicians holding on to power because it seeks to shrink the size and power of federal government. That threatens career politicians who get fat off the government teat. Mitch McConnell and others like him can’t have that, so their allies in the Senate Leadership Fund and elsewhere go out and attack on their behalf.

Some thing never change.


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