Get Ready for Sports Media to Ridicule Tim Tebow at Every Opportunity

ESPN is reporting this morning that the New York Mets have signed Tim Tebow to a minor league contract. His football career past college was never that stellar, but he nonetheless took shot after shot from the sports media and the general media because of his faith and how he lived it on the field. With him now getting a shot in sports again, it’s time for that same media to prepare those talking points again.


The faith is rarely mentioned anymore, but the hatred the media has for him is still there, a lingering reminder that if you put your faith first in your life, you’ll always be an outcast. This report, for example, written just over a week ago, is meant to make you think he doesn’t have it. He’s referred to as being treated like a little brother, reinforced that he never cut it in football, and made sure by the time you were done reading, you just knew he would be a failure at this.

I actually have no idea if Tebow is going to get called up or if he will be cut. He hasn’t played regularly since high school, after all. But, the media’s bias against him doesn’t stem from that. It doesn’t stem from his ability to play football, either. He was the first sophomore to win a Heisman, which isn’t something you do if you suck. You know where the bias stems from.

He talks about and lives his faith. They don’t like that, and they want to be rid of him for good. Working out and getting signed keep him from going away, so they’ll try harder.


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