Deadspin Spins out and Crashes Over Race Politics

AP Photo/Mary Altaffer

Here at the sports desk located somewhere below decks of the Good Pirate Ship RedState, we do our best to focus on sports and not the inane insanity of woke sports reporting. Frankly, it’s too easy a target, and liberals saying stupid stuff is so omnipresent it rapidly grows tiresome to so much as acknowledge, let alone mock. However, every once in a while, something comes along that is so dumb, over the top, and detached from reality that it becomes well nigh impossible to ignore. Such is the case with one Carron J. Phillips at Deadspin, whose philippic titled White fans were entertained by Black athletes a day after a racist killed Black people in Buffalo — this is what white supremacy looks like has graced us with pure comedic gold.


First, we state the obvious. Nothing is amusing about what happened in Buffalo on May 14th. It was a hideous sin straight from hell. It was a brutal testimony to untreated mental illness’ possible results. The shooting of innocent people, targeted for their skin color, was a vile, satanic abomination. Period. Yet even with this, Phillips’ reaction manages to reach new heights, or depths if you prefer, in unintentional and unaware self-parody.

Sports only serve as an escape from society if you’re white … And if you don’t believe me, both of Sunday’s Game 7s were proof that the awakening was only a brief moment of pseudo-accountability that’s passed.

There were five Game Sevens on Sunday. Apparently, the NHL doesn’t count. But I digress.

Last time I checked, professional sporting events are open for members of all races to attend. I’ve been to many, many games of the four major sports. I’ve seen every color available in attendance. The only dividing line of note is for which team do you root. Sports are beautiful that way. Too bad Phillips’ miserable self-pitying existence precludes him from enjoying this beauty.

Players aren’t getting asked how they feel about things outside of 94 feet after games as much. It’s as if basketball, or whatever sport they play, is all that should matter to them. Sideline reporters aren’t asking them about Roe v. Wade or if their loved ones are scared to go to the grocery store like they used to.


Dude. Try reading or watching ESPN. It’s easier to get any given athlete’s societal hot take than the current scoreboard.

On Sunday, four teams played in two Game 7s. The Milwaukee Bucks and Boston Celtics were up first, followed by the Phoenix Suns and the Dallas Mavericks. Three of the four head coaches are Black, along with the overwhelming majority of those teams’ rosters. However, in Boston — where one of the games was played — over 52 percent of the population is white, according to the latest census. And in Phoenix, where the Suns were the host, over 68 percent of the residents are white.

What does this mean?

Well, off the top of my head I’m thinking it means … pretty much nothing. For the record, the 2020 Census shows Milwaukee’s population is 38.8 percent black and 34.0 percent white. Which also means nothing. Dallas is 28.8 percent white, 24.3 percent black, and 41.5 percent Latino. Meaning? Yup, you guessed it. Nothing. Well, nothing to any sane person, which sadly leaves out Mr. Phillips.

And despite how well Jayson Tatum and Grant Williams played Sunday in Boston, or how Jalen Brunson and Spencer Dinwiddie stepped up on the road in Phoenix, just know that they did despite what happened to people that look like them on Saturday. Because when you’re a Black athlete in America, competing at the highest level as a form of entertainment to the rest of the world, all the while knowing that the majority of the people that cheer for you don’t think your life matters, may be the hardest part of the game that you work at that a reporter will never ask about.


Let’s break this down a bit.

Did Shohei Ohtani hit the 101st home run of his career Sunday despite what happened to people who look like him in Laguna Woods? Yes, he’s Japanese, and the shooting victims were Taiwanese. But you get the idea. No one asked him about Laguna Woods, correct? Why? Because it had nothing to do with him. Nor did what happened in Buffalo have anything to do with any of the black players on the Celtics or Bucks or Mavericks or Suns.

As to the “white people in the stands don’t think black athletes’ lives matter” feldergarb … dude, get serious. Ever been to a Warriors game? Do you want to feel the love? Be there when Steph Curry or Klay Thompson drains a three-point shot or when Draymond Green makes a steal. Just because your clenched little world is incapable of acknowledging admiration and passionate support on and off the court crosses all racial divides doesn’t mean it isn’t alive and well.

As Tucker Carlson brilliantly points out, race politics by anyone to anyone is evil. Phillips is a babbling fool trying to score points in the Jemele Hill Wannabe Society by decrying how black athletes’ every question and response isn’t a racial and societal screed. These are grown men. When they want to speak up, the sports media will lap it up and lavish praise. If this isn’t enough for whiny woke jokes like Phillips, nothing will suffice.



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