Sounds Right: Charles Moran of Trump Pride and "Get Outspoken"

For Episode 2 of “Sounds Right With Jen and Scott” we were beyond thrilled to catch up with someone we both adore – Log Cabin Republicans National Spokesman Charles Moran. Charles is a California native and has worked in politics for nearly 20 years. He was a guest way back in 2015 on the day the Obergefell decision was handed down, and he’s been so in-demand since then that we haven’t had many opportunities to talk with him or spend time together. We can’t help but think there’s a connection between his appearance on our podcast and his career success…


In this episode, Charles tells us about Log Cabin Republicans’ new digital initiative, “Get Outspoken,” which is designed to arm the LBGT community and their straight allies with facts about the Trump administration’s actions to support the LBGT community. The group held a conference, Outspoken Pride, in Nashville earlier this month, and both President Trump and Vice President Pence called in to talk with the team and lend their support. No, they weren’t trying to get a list of attendees for contact tracing or to send to re-education camps. (Sarcasm)

Interestingly, Charles said that a huge secondary audience for Get Outspoken’s content is midwestern housewives – and explains why.

Charles is also co-chair of the advisory board for Trump Pride, the Trump campaign’s official LGBT coalition. As Charles tells us, this is the first time a Republican presidential campaign has had an official LGBT coalition.


We also spend a few minutes fangirling/boying over Charles’ friend and mentor, former Amb. Richard Grenell, who is also a co-chair of the Trump Pride advisory board.

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