WATCH: Utah Rep. Burgess Owens Calls out the Left's Racist Roots on Abortion

Bill Clark/Pool via AP

Rep. Burgess Owens (R-UT) gave a searing statement before the Post-Roe Judiciary Committee Hearing. Owens boldly went where many Black elected leaders have failed to go: Calling out the overt racism of the Left, and the Democrat apparatus that supports it.


Owens first thanked his fellow Republicans for their, “eloquent defense of life,” and said he raises his voice in recognizing the “sanctity of all life.”

Then Owens entered the fray, and pulled no punches:

“Having grown up in the Jim Crow South, with Segregation and KKK, I’m familiar with the true racism, intolerance, and hate, all due to the color of my skin. I see the same thing today in 2022 as the hard Left, the so-called “party of tolerance” who bang the drum of racism, inequality, inequity, do not practice what they preach.”

Praise the Lord, and pass the pork chops! This needed to be said out loud, and needs to be played on loop in campaign ads, and every public service announcement where the Left is trying to convince us that whatever they are pushing is for “the common good.” Aside from author and commentator Vince Everett Ellison, you hear very few so-called leaders or commentators call out what the Democrats and the Left do for what it is: Racism.

Kudos to Owens, a freshman congressman, for having the courage to step up and stand out.

Owens continued, pointing out the pro-life organizations that have been targeted, the violent protests across the nation and in front of SCOTUS justices’ homes, and the assassination attempt against Justice Brett Kavanaugh. But Owens returned to his main focus and took the time to outline the “racially-charged firestorm against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.”


“That’s nothing new for Justice Thomas, who has been the target of the elitist Left for 40 years. Instead of celebrating the second Black American in our nation’s history in the highest court, they declared open seasons with vicious, racist attacks. Just because he’s an articulate, confident, Black American, who loves the American tenets of God, country, and family. Just because he’s a Black man who dares to think differently than they would love for him to think.”

Spot on. RedState has documented some of the racist garbage that masquerades as “truth” and debate here, here, and here.

Owens was just getting started, pointing to the overt racism directed towards new Hispanic Congresswoman Mayra Flores (R-TX), Virginia’s Republican Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears, and Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC).  For Owen’s second layer of his very rich proof cake, he called out a cartoonist for the Salt Lake City Tribune for portraying him as a White Klansman.

“So typical of the condescending racism. If these same attacks were aimed at Barack Obama it would be called out by this committee and the media for exactly what it is: Pure Racism.”

As pure as Ivory Soap and as white as that hood and cape Ralph Northam posed in. The same Leftists who cry white supremacy and find racism under every rock need to take a hard look in the mirror.


Owens rightly decried the Left’s intent: to destroy American institutions, foment fear, and lie about just who are the ones trying to take away Constitutional rights.

“Instead of working to delegitimize our institutions, defaulting to fearmongering tactics, and basic arguments that the Supreme Court wants to take away our rights, we should be honest with the American people.”

But that would require Leftists doing actual work to listen to, rather than demonize, average Americans. Owens acknowledged this, as well as warned them that November is coming.

Owens completed his decimation of the Left’s bigoted schemes by pointing out the Black babies that have died in abortions. Of the 64 million murdered since 1973, when Roe was made federal law, 23 million of them were Black. The Left foments anger over Black men and women killed by white police officers, but they don’t shed a tear for Black babies killed in abortions. The so-called Black leaders and politicians are even worse. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot ignores the Black children who get shot up every weekend in Chicago and wants to make sure Chicago is a sanctuary for women to kill their babies.

She is a typical Leftist, using dead Black bodies to entice, incite, and further political ends.

Roe v. Wade cost us 23 million innocent lives. The pro-slavery Democrat Dred Scott decision in 1857, it was a flawed decision. Overcoming Roe did not outlaw abortions or take away the constitutional right of Americans. It put the decision in the state’s hands, in the hands of We The People, where it belongs.”


Owens then throws down the gauntlet.

“To the angry Left, it’s time to settle down, take off your mask, and show your cowardly faces. Put down your stones and firebombs and through civil debate convince us that you’re right.”

What would that look like? The world may never know.

Owens’ mic drop moment:

“My prediction is you have no clue.

“In the meanwhile, a Black constitutionalist on the Supreme Court who stands with that decision should be revered, not ridiculed.”

And he did it all in his five minutes. No need to reclaim his time.



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