Assemblyman Kevin Kiley Throws His Hat Into the CA Governor's Recall Race

Many of us have been waiting for this announcement, and California Assemblyman Kevin Kiley (R-AD06) did not disappoint:


Asm. Kiley announced his decision on his Capitol Quagmire blog:

It’s official. I’m running to replace Gavin Newsom as the Governor of California. You can visit my campaign website at

I can’t tell you how much all of your encouragement has meant to me. Over the next 70 days, I’ll fight in every way I can to get our movement across the finish line. We’re in it to win.

Kiley is the perfect opponent to go up against Gavin Newsom, because even though he’s a politician, he is not a Politico. Newsom is the greasy poster child of Politicos as well as the epitome of the special interest kingmaker. Kiley is despised by Newsom and the Democrats because of his vocal stance against corruption during his two terms in the Assembly. Kiley is not afraid to challenge the insanity of Sacramento, crafts legislation that is focused on Californians, and the not special interests that have broken the state. Most importantly, Kiley brings the fight to them, and will continue to do so as Governor.

Kiley has been a fierce champion not just for the people in the 6th District of California which he represents, but for all Californians. Kiley garnered national attention, not only for his backing of the Newsom Recall, and his recent book: Recall Gavin Newsom: The Case Against America’s Most Corrupt Governor, but for his staunch stance for the rights of freelancers, self-employed, and independent professionals before the horrific AB5, which outlaws independent contracting in the State of California, was passed into law. Since its passage, Kiley has sought its repeal, multiple times and has been a vocal critic of the bill’s creator, Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-AD80), and the faulty amendments and add-ons to correct the fatally flawed legislation that has destroyed the livelihood of 4.5 million throughout the state.


Most notably, Kiley is the co-complainant, along with Assemblyman James Gallagher (R-AD03) in a lawsuit against Governor Gavin Newsom and his unconstitutional abuse of executive powers. Kiley and Gallagher won the suit, which deemed Newsom’s actions as unconstitutional. Newsom appealed, and the Appellate Court judge agreed with several points of Kiley and Gallagher’s suit, and that Newsom had overstepped his bounds. However, the judge refused to strip Newsom of his powers. This case will go to the California Supreme Court, and hopefully set a precedent for constitutional powers and the rights of the people to stand for and enforce republican governance.

Kiley is making representation for the people, not for corruption and special interests, one of the hallmarks of his campaign:

Together, we’ve built a new model of citizen-backed representation. Now we can prove it’s more powerful than Gavin Newsom’s Special Interest corruption.

Renewing the meaning of We the People: that’s what the Recall has been about from the beginning. It’s what our campaign will be about until the end. And it’s what the mission of the Governor’s Office will be every day that I serve.

Thank you so much. California is worth fighting for, and it’s the honor of a lifetime to be in the fight with you.

On July 1, the Lieutenant Governor of California Eleni Kounalakis announced September 14, 2021, as the date for the Special Election to Recall Governor Gavin Newsom. In 72 Days the fate of Newsom’s governance, and the fate of the state, will be determined. If more then 50 percent of voters respond YES to the question, “Should Gavin Newsom be Recalled?”, then the next question, “Who Should Replace Gavin Newsom as Governor?” will be the pivot point. California now has another candidate that is more than worthy of consideration.


A grassroots campaign requires grassroots support, and the first 24 days of any campaign is critical. You can support Kevin Kiley for Governor at his website:


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