How California Can Extend the Red Wave

AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes

Despite the uncertainty of what a potential Biden-Harris administration might bring, we Californians are getting some glimmers of hope. We are on the way to flipping three House seats that were stolen in 2018. CA-25’s Mike Garcia is still leading Christy Smith, and we are encouraged he can pull even further ahead. What is probably the most heartening is that Californians are fully paying attention to what is happening in their state and nation, and they are engaged! Two of the #StoptheSteal rallies last weekend were in Sacramento and Beverly Hills. So we are not irredeemably a Democrat stronghold. Erosion of the Democrat stranglehold on the state is occurring, but we just have to stay engaged in order to continue the work.


If you are a California citizen, here are three ways you can continue the wave:

1. Recall Gavin Newsom

He has been slapped down by the courts for his one-man rule, yet he still acts like he’s done nothing wrong, and continues to make arbitrary decisions on COVID closures. He has actually asked for a two-week hold on the injunction won by Assemblyman Kevin Kiley and James Gallagher:


I know why: The Recall Gavin Newsom drive received an extension of its signature deadline to March 17, and organizers were planning to ramp things up over the next two weeks. If you have not signed the petition, please download it from their website: After you sign it, get all your friends and family to do this. His rule needs to come to a definitive end, and with over 600,000 signatures already in the bag, reaching the 1.5 million requirement is within our grasp.

2. Act Locally/Pay Attention

CA-25’s Mike Garcia needs help in ballot curing: reaching out to people whose ballots were rejected because of errors and helping them to correct the errors so the vote can be counted. He could use as many hands as possible. Go to the campaign’s website to volunteer.

Another friend is helping the Election Integrity Project document instances of voter fraud. Our new Congress people need a welcoming presence to their local offices. When we act in our local hubs and pay attention to where we can insert ourselves to make a difference, this prevents the slow creep of disengagement.

3. KEEP Voting in your Interest

Prop 22 wrought a mighty blow against the Labor Unions, and California reflected a huge turnout for President Trump, despite the legacy media trying to hide it. When the California Assembly reconvenes, look at what is on their docket, and if it is against your freedoms and interest, make your voice known. Assemblyman Kevin Kiley promises that AB5 will be on the docket again for Repeal, and thanks to Prop 22, the law has been severely weakened. Letters, emails, call-ins, and in-person protests have been effective in so many aspects of this fight; but the fight is not over, and we need all hands on deck.


We are pushing to purple and one day we will have a Red California again. Keep the faith!




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