
Florida Kindergarten Teacher Misrepresents 'Parental Rights in Education' Bill

Florida teacher expresses concerns about Florida's Parental Rights in Education bill. (Credit: MSNBC)

Even though Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis already signed the Parental Rights in Education Bill, the hard left is still trying its darndest to propagandize against it. Democrats and members of the activist media have been on a months-long campaign to deceive the American public about the legislation, even erroneously labeling it the “Don’t Say Gay Bill” to make it appear that it is specifically designed to target members of the LGBTQ community.

In the latest episode of “Let’s See How Many People We Can Fool,” MSNBC interviewed Cory Bernaert, a gay Florida kindergarten teacher who expressed concerns about how the law will affect his ability to teach his students. He said the law “really hits hard in my heart professionally and personally” and “truly makes me feel like I am not trusted as a professional.” He continued:

“I know my kindergarten standards through and through, and nowhere in our curriculum does it have anything about teaching sexual orientation or sexual identity. So for them to say that that’s happening … it’s kinda crazy.”

The teacher also discussed the issue with local media earlier this month and told MSNBC that teachers and students “should be able to have discussions … that’s what we’re encouraged to do in kindergarten.”

Bernaert explained that his students “do have questions” and that “they want to know who my partner is in pictures outside of my classroom, and I should be able to speak to them.”

The host asked the teacher if he is worried that the law will prohibit him from discussing his personal life with his students – and then claimed she knows “everything” about her child’s educators “because my kid tells me.”

The teacher replied:

“Absolutely. You are 100% correct. That’s what we do as educators; we build relationships with our kids. And in order to build relationships, you talk about your home life, you talk about what you do on the weekends. That’s building community … it scares me to death that I’m not going to be able to have these conversations with my children, because they’re going to ask me what I did on the weekend. I don’t want to have to hide that my partner and I went paddle boarding this weekend.”

It appears that Bernaert either did not read the law, or is lying about it. The legislation specifically mandates:

Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.

The keyword here is “instruction.”

Simply mentioning one’s partner or weekend activities is not instructing children. If a straight teacher mentions she went to see “The Batman” with her husband last weekend, it is not the same as instructing students on matters concerning sexuality or gender identity. And yes, this includes giving instructions on heterosexuality.

The bottom line is that the left has based its entire case against Florida’s new law on a deceptive foundation. Each argument and talking point relies on lying to the public about the legislation instead of attacking it on its merits. Nevertheless, Americans aren’t believing the left’s falsehoods. A plethora of polling demonstrates that people are largely in favor of the law.

Floridians for Economic Advancement conducted a survey among “likely Democratic voters” in which it asked respondents, “[s]hould students in Kindergarten through 3rd Grade be taught about sexual orientation in the classroom by their teachers?”

About 52 percent of Democratic voters indicated they did not favor such material in classrooms. Only 36 percent supported the teaching.

A Morning Consult poll asked participants how they felt about the legislation. About 50 percent said they either strongly or somewhat support key aspects of the measure. Only 37 percent said they oppose its key clauses.

Nevertheless, it appears the left has not yet realized they have lost this battle. Common sense prevailed, this time. It turns out most Americans don’t see any reason why children seven years old and younger should be taught about sexuality and gender identity, which means the far-left progressive crowd has not changed enough minds yet. However, this does not mean they will stop trying.


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